Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] have said " in BNC.

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1 Aside from the rest , after what I have said to Caswell — that you are my wife — we should make it good .
2 ‘ But , ’ I replied , ‘ if any of what we have said is true , why does Queen Margaret grieve over the corpse of an imposter ?
3 In view of what we have said about the suitability of particular registers for writing , you may be surprised that we ourselves are adopting a relatively conversational register in this book .
4 If the person handling the matter seems to be relying on information given to him by others , it is worth pressing for full and frank disclosure of what they have said and for sight of any written statements or other relevant documents that may have been prepared .
5 ‘ In the construction of written documents including statutes , what the court is concerned to ascertain is , not what the promulgators of the instruments meant to say , but the meaning of what they have said . ’
6 In spite of what you have said , I should prefer to obtain satisfaction for past injuries from yourself than from either King James or his mother . ’
7 In view of what you have said , Mr. Deputy Speaker , I shall keep my remarks on this subject brief but I hope that other Hon. Members will also refer to the disabled persons transport advisory committee report that I mentioned .
8 You 'll have a chance to come back on whether we have got the wrong impression on that , I mean I recall Mr Heselton 's quite clearly , but let me pursue that at a stage further if if we take that as our impression of what you have said collectively , and you are asked to make provision for nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , again collectively in the Greater York area , and I 'm addressing this question to the districts , what provision would you make in your districts of your district figure in the Greater York area ?
9 Simon answered and said , pray to the Lord for me yourselves to that nothing of what you have said may come upon me .
10 But other readers will , I imagine , accept the general drift of what I have said , whilst disagreeing on many points of detail .
11 Much of what I have said here is relevant to the second methodological phase ( classification ) , but it should also be noted that we do not make prior classification of social levels of language in the way that many other urban dialectologists do .
12 But on the basis of what I have said in this chapter concerning the formation and power of governments , this comforting view is not plausible .
13 Paradoxically , much of what I have said about the writing of straightforward mystery stories applies just as much to inverted stories , the books that seemingly set out on an exactly opposite course .
14 It is not wrong and I understand that next week we shall have the opportunity to debate the correctness of what I have said .
15 In view of what I have said above , it is not surprising that no studies have been undertaken specifically to determine whether black London speech is distinctive from the LE of other groups .
16 Much of what I have said tonight points towards a parting of the ways .
17 Because most of what I have said is fair m most of the case that I wish to put er has come out in the discussion that there has just been .
18 Despite what I have said , I am not especially critical of the brewers .
19 As one would expect , and consistently with what I have said regarding the purpose and scheme of the Act , the Order treated assignments and trusts on the same footing .
20 This is fully in accord with what I have said about the expression of " we/they " oppositions in other contexts .
21 ‘ Do you agree with what I have said , Roger ? ’
22 Although he may not agree with what I have said , and what I am about to say , he should at least extend to all of us the courtesy of sitting quietly in his seat , especially if he joins us at such a late time .
23 Well i I 'm not aware of how far he has taken anything on board , what I would expect as a Member of Parliament and the House of Commons , and as the leader of a party in the House of Commons , I would expect that he would want to hear what I would have to say face to face , and tell me face to face what 's wrong with what I have said .
24 Begone from me and reflect upon what you have said .
25 except in what we have said before , said ,
26 This , showing that he is interested in what they have said unlike Banquo who treats it as a joke .
27 Please help me to know that transforming power of your Holy Spirit to overcome these difficulties , and please forgive me for all that has been wrong and selfish in what I have said , thought and done .
28 Despite some simplification and the occasional caricature , I doubt there is much in what I have said so far with which to argue .
29 ‘ There is a great deal to take in in what you have said , too much to be done all in a moment .
30 conservative administration will change the budget , obviously , you have highlighted in what you have said before , that the main crunch will come at the next Policy Committee .
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