Example sentences of "[prep] an interpretation of the " in BNC.

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1 Some of the rebel leaders , notably Litster , may have appreciated their military weakness , because they attempted to involve members of the gentry in the revolt , and although they had little support of this nature , the very fact that they hoped to obtain it must argue against an interpretation of the revolt simply in class terms .
2 In relation to Bourdieu 's concept of habitus , the artefact was noted as playing a pivotal role in social reproduction , where it forms part of a reconciliation of objectivist accounts exposing the mechanisms which create the subject in history with an interpretation of the social subject 's role as active agent in the formulation of historical strategy .
3 Each chapter in the main section of the book will conclude with an interpretation of the values involved in the views that are discussed .
4 Gandhi was sufficiently aware of the utilitarian formula of the greatest happiness of the greatest number to realize that he was completely at odds with it as an interpretation of the aim anti purpose of life and as a principle of morality .
5 I have already noted his rejection of utilitarianism as an interpretation of the aim and purpose of life .
6 The feelings may be regarded as an interpretation of the activity .
7 Rather its relevance lies in the way it constrains the interpretation of [ 14a ] so that hearers can see it as an interpretation of the speaker 's thoughts about the state of the pound .
8 Having travelled the ‘ road from revolutionary elitism to proletarian populism ’ , James ' American sojourn was about to come to an end but , before it did , he would write ‘ Mariners , Renegades and Castaways ’ in which he expressed his poetic view of the world through an interpretation of the works of Herman Melville .
9 The King model of pediplanation provided a framework for an interpretation of the vegetation patterns of the savannas of the southern hemisphere and in a series of papers Cole ( e.g. 1963 ) reviewed the climatic , edaphic and morphologic controls upon the types of savanna vegetation and concluded that the broad vegetation patterns related to the age of landsurfaces as expected from the King pediplanation model .
10 Morais and Bertelson ( 1975 ) pointed out that the usual dichotic listening paradigm does not allow one to distinguish between an interpretation of the REA in terms of ear of stimulus presentation and an alternative explanation favouring input coming from the right side of space .
11 Based upon an interpretation of the past Britain tended to give high priority to defence and security .
12 It does , however , clearly reject any approach requiring first resort to the Convention , whether based upon an interpretation of the Convention text or on comity , as a blanket rule .
13 Having spoken , the monk undergoes a physical reaction to the utterance of his salacious thoughts of the wife being exercised , sexually , in bed : This response to his own thought and speech on the monk 's part creates another novelty within this fabliau : a character who assumes a role parallel to that of a real reader outside the text ; a listener to and responder to a text and its implications , and what is more a reader who indulges in an interpretation of the text of his thoughts as pornographic , i.e. capable of exciting vicarious , erotic sensation .
14 Given this limitation therefore , one has to rely on an interpretation of the relationships between the mosaics themselves .
15 It has been confined to an interpretation of the specific regulations .
16 His project is to discover the series of computations that the visual system performs on the input-pairs so as to arrive at an interpretation of the ( 2-D ) array in terms of ( 3-D ) replacement , motion , or change .
17 In it , through a strict linguistic analysis of the words of the Koran , he arrives at an interpretation of the prophet Muhammad 's teaching that is in tune with modern philosophic and scientific thought .
18 Working closely with the members of the LSO , he arrived at an interpretation of the Adagietto conveying the spirit of a love letter .
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