Example sentences of "[prep] an address to the " in BNC.

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1 IBOA Assistant General Secretary , Larry Broderick in the course of an address to the ICTU Conference on 8th July with ICTU General Secretary , Peter Cassells in background .
2 Many feminists adopt more variable programmes , which combine analysis of discourses , with an address to the unconscious .
3 THE call by the US Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , for an enhanced European Community role in the new Europe emerging from the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc was made during an address to the Berlin press club .
4 The Middle East International of Nov. 23 reported that during an address to the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee on Nov. 19 , Shamir had specifically linked the territories with the need for space to absorb immigrants from the Soviet Union .
5 In an address to the European Parliament here Dr Kohl left no doubt that , at next month 's European Community summit , he would support moves to prepare for economic and monetary union .
6 Here is an example cited by Richard Cecil in an address to the pupils of the school attached to his church in Bedford Road , London ; he is recounting the death of one of their school-fellows , aged twelve , as narrated by the boy 's father :
7 The points he made in an address to the Royal African Society in London in 1975 are worth summarizing here .
8 In an address to the Chapter of Wells the new Bishop made the vow which was to cause him so much trouble later : ‘ In all solemnity to teach and inculcate allegiance' to the new King ‘ both in our discourse and in our example to all your subjects under our care ’ .
9 An ex-Marxian socialist in post-war Oxford , he was to avow as late as 1957 , in an address to the Fabian Society called Socialism and the Intellectuals , that he had voted Labour in every election since 1945 , and ‘ unless something very unexpected happens , I shall vote Labour to the end of my days — however depraved the Labour candidate may be , and however virtuous his opponent . ’
10 In an address to the English Association , Henry Newbolt had himself expressed his antipathy to institutions of any kind ( see p.32 ) , yet both Newbolt and the Association played a crucial role in the preparation of this government report .
11 A I J Brain reported in an address to the Royal Society of Medicine that work is currently underway on developing a laryngeal mask that incorporates a separate channel through which a nasogastric tube can easily be passed .
12 He set out his thinking in an address to the Central Committee in October 1985 .
13 And while he acknowledged the losses of the ‘ cult of personality ’ period , he insisted ( in an address to the French Communist Party ) that ‘ not a year ’ had been lost in the process of socialist construction — in effect a defence of the Brezhnev as well as Stalinist years .
14 In an address to the Indian Parliament on 10 December Brezhnev went further .
15 In an address to the Pakistani National Assembly and Senate in December 1985 President Zia formally denied that his country had given any bases to the United States .
16 In an address to the recent Conference on Smoking and Health held in Western Australia , Vateesatokit said that smuggled cigarettes account for at least five per cent of sales .
17 President George Bush presented a $1,233,300 million federal budget request for the fiscal year 1991 ( beginning on Oct. 1 , 1990 ) in an address to the joint Houses of Congress on Jan. 29 .
18 In an address to the Senate on April 19 Dole said that his visit to the Middle East had convinced him that the March 22 resolution was a mistake and that the issue of Jerusalem had to be decided by negotiation between Arabs and Israelis .
19 In an address to the Arab League summit on May 27 , Hussein referred to " an exchange of letters " between the two countries , which he hoped would lead to " direct and deep dialogue which would result in a comprehensive peace " .
20 However , in an address to the European Parliament ( EP ) on Sept. 27 , Özal maintained that the ban on such political parties would be lifted only " when the time is ripe " .
21 In an address to the nation on July 25 , during which he spoke of the need for a " fresh start " after the upheavals of June [ see p. 37523 ] , President Kenneth Kaunda pardoned Lt. Mwamba Luchembe and his colleagues who were behind the June 30 announcement of an Army takeover , and announced the release of all other political prisoners .
22 In an address to the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on Sept. 4 , Baker reiterated the aims which Bush had outlined in August [ see p. 37638 ] .
23 In an address to the fourth session of the ruling ZANU central committee on Dec. 14 , President Robert Mugabe asserted that issues such as land-hunger and unemployment were in need of urgent remedial action .
24 In an address to the nation he promised that his government would seek to lower the cost of living and to stimulate employment , and would " promote a stable atmosphere for production and protect investors ' interests " .
25 In Chile , in an address to the Congress , Bush stated that the country 's economic policies put it in the " forefront of the free-market movement now taking hold across Latin America " and that this made it a " prime candidate " for debt relief proposed under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative .
26 The opposition parties had on Jan. 4 called for a three-day strike on Jan. 7-9 , with the aim of securing the " immediate and unconditional " resignation of Mobutu , notwithstanding his promise ( in an address to the country on Dec. 31 ) that 1991 would see the organization of presidential and legislative elections and of a referendum on a new constitution .
27 In comments which appeared directed principally at Yeltsin , Gorbachev in an address to the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences on Feb. 26 had openly acknowledged that a power struggle was under way , and warned that the Soviet Union could collapse into civil war unless radicals curbed their opposition .
28 President Vytautas Landsbergis of Lithuania warned on May 18 , in an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council , that the republic should brace itself for a renewed clampdown by Soviet armed forces in the light of " armed provocations " along the republic 's borders .
29 Elaborating on the study in an address to the UN 'S Economic and Social Council ( ECOSOC ) in Geneva on July 8 , the Managing Director of the IMF , Michel Camdessus , urged governments to cut their military budgets by 20 per cent in order to generate savings of US$100,000 million and meet costs incurred by German unification , economic reforms in eastern Europe and the Gulf war .
30 On Sept. 23 US President George Bush , in an address to the UN General Assembly , accused President Saddam Hussein of showing " contempt " for UN resolutions .
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