Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] stated that " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary-General of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , Joao Baena Soares , led a 13-member OAS delegation to Haiti on Aug. 18-21 after which he stated that there remained " some opportunities " to promote a dialogue to resolve the current crisis [ for previous OAS interventions see pp. 38522 ; 38569 ; 38670 ; 38905 ] .
2 It must be explained that Kay Dick had published an article in which she stated that Ivy descended from Bishop Burnet and a Compton heiress from Wiltshire : ‘ the place was sold ’ , apparently in her grandfather 's time , according to this account .
3 The Minister ( Sir Edward Boyle ) announced that this would take place in 1970/1 and wrote a remarkable preface to the published text in which he stated that ‘ the essential point is that all children should have an equal opportunity of acquiring intelligence , and developing their talents and abilities to the full ’ .
4 This point was made even clearer in a later case involving the Chief Justice , in which he stated that a ‘ breach of the Act or the Code did not mean that any statement made by a defendant after such breach would necessarily by ruled out .
5 To this meeting the Professor presented a surprising memorandum in which he stated that he had been calumniated both with respect to his private character and his professional abilities , and requesting that committees should be appointed immediately to enquire into the matter and report .
6 In 1796 he published an article in which he stated that there were three ways in which to approach the treatment of disease :
7 This recommendation was in apparent contradiction to an interview given by Saddam Hussein broadcast on French television on July 9 , in which he stated that he hoped that the first free and democratic presidential elections in the country 's history would take place later in the year and that he would stand for re-election alongside other candidates .
8 Gerhard Riege , a Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) member of the Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) , committed suicide on Feb. 15 , leaving a note in which he stated that he could not face media publicity concerning his alleged Stasi connections in the former GDR .
9 Recently , the BAG handed down a decision ( 4ASR 293/91 ) in which it stated that there were no justifiable reasons for a differential in wages .
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