Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] happen to " in BNC.

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1 So , the idea was that Finniston bought out this report which would then form another strata over the institutions and form the Engineering Council , of which I happen to be a member .
2 This is despite the fact that there are such programmes as Mastermind , a sheepdog series ( with which I happen to be involved — I declare my interest ) and superb epics by the Natural History Unit .
3 And in so far as it , as the question arises erm of what kind of , of provisions erm are you going to find if you go abroad , erm then I think we can say that within the European Community , erm citizens of one member state are entitled to what the citizens of the member state in which they happen to be staying are entitled to .
4 I think that they are erm unfortunately erm affected by any event which happens in an area in which they happen to be .
5 It is clear that what is necessary in such a case is research , not dogmatic and perfectly arbitrary claims , based on analogies to that small part of the experimental literature in which one happens to be interested .
6 The pressure of this or that requirement or directive , together with the environment in which one happens to be , for example working under an agnostic headteacher , or a staunch Christian one , or with an enthusiastic multi-faith team , etc. , governs what happens .
7 K ap is true because in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you believe that you are sitting reading , and the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading are either worlds in which you are standing/kneeling/lying reading or worlds in which you are sitting knitting/watching TV , etc. , but not worlds in which you happen to be asleep dreaming that you are sitting reading .
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