Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun sg] 's eye " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But you told me that Mr Kettering was the apple of his wife 's eye . ’
2 The lids of his hare 's eyes were red .
3 Greg thought he was going to fail in his object , and began to close the door , but suddenly , as if to prove the retentiveness of his painter 's eye , Hilary turned round again to him , took a good look , and said : ‘ Were n't you the chap that was at the funeral ?
4 The events of the past week raced past his mind 's eye in a matter of seconds , the mental images flickering before him in rapid succession like a movie trailer .
5 How like his father 's eyes they are .
6 Patrick saw something settle down behind his mother 's eyes , something like satisfaction , and the anger that had burned within him since he had discovered the identity of Joseph Hyde 's attackers , turned cold and brittle .
7 Celia felt that he speculated privately about her condition every time he saw her , noting , with his countryman 's eye , her increasing girth , maybe even reporting progress in the local of an evening .
8 With his Yorkshireman 's eye for economy he was soon suggesting that the more impecunious aeronauts might seriously consider the process .
9 She conjured wonderful colourful pictures for a boy to see with his mind 's eye , her voice pure and confident , her memory pouring out hundreds of lines of poetry in a faultless , almost hypnotic flow .
10 Kelly pulled Broom-Parker 's face towards hers and looked deeply into his loser 's eyes .
11 He looked into his wife 's eyes .
12 True , neither the mews house nor any stick of furniture in it had been his by law , but they had chosen many of the items together — she relying upon his artist 's eye , he upon her money to purchase whatever his gaze admired .
13 The Young King 's opportunity was getting nearer , but if he were to show his hand at last , he needed an excuse , a justification for the war which would make sense in his father 's eyes and just might lead him to condone the attack on Richard .
14 He saw him in his mind 's eye , running through the wood wearing Uncle Walter 's helmet and firing a make-believe gun at the spy planes .
15 The longer he stood , in his mind 's eye , the more the walls seemed to close in on him , ready to seal him in their cold , inescapable embrace .
16 The ‘ photograph ’ of the burial mound in his mind 's eye , still so sharp and detailed , had convinced him that therein lay something of importance .
17 In his mind 's eye he saw them together in the brass-ended bed , his lovely Sweetheart with her silky hair and creamy-white skin , and beside her the grinning Tom Fish with one more cruel weapon to use against a little boy .
18 He looked at himself in his mind 's eye , squared his shoulders and carried on down the stairs .
19 As he spoke , the teacher saw Prince Richard in his mind 's eye and recalled the authority in the imperious carriage of the boy 's small head on his narrow but habitually braced shoulders .
20 The armoury fired his Jacobite imagination and within seconds of arrival , he was refighting the Battle of Prestonpans , marching to Derby , advising General George Murray on tactics and encouraging the troops ; in his mind 's eye , waiting hand and foot upon his hero , Prince Charles Edward Stewart .
21 Again he saw her in his mind 's eye : a tiny figure standing outside the pension in the rain as he raised her fingers to his lips in farewell .
22 The news caught Yanto unawares and caused a jolt in his stomach , but he showed no sign of concern as the dark skinned handsome spectre of Nigger Asnett his arch rival , appeared in his mind 's eye .
23 Corbett smiled slowly , the last stone was in place , the picture was complete and , in his mind 's eye , he saw full and clear the face of the murderer of Erceldoun , Seton , the young man in his own retinue , the boatman and , above all , the regicide , the slayer of the Lord 's anointed , King Alexander III of Scotland .
24 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , of course , and what he is seeing in his mind 's eye , after years of study into world-wide distribution of disease in relation to diet , is the stool of someone unlikely to die from cancer of the bowel .
25 Paul bore all this in mind , looking down at Emily ; he could see her in his mind 's eye presiding over tea-parties at Oxford , saying the right thing to professors ' wives ; playing her part as his own wife , while he continued with his work uninterrupted except — he dared not think of it now — for the nights .
26 In his mind 's eye , Vologsky could see Major Tzann seated at his desk , holding it between trembling fingers .
27 Whenever Shiva considered the word he saw in his mind 's eye a grinning Mephistopheles with small , curly ram 's horns , capering in frock coat .
28 He had burned it himself on the fire he had made against the fruit-garden wall and it might be that no copies of it existed , yet in his mind 's eye it recreated itself , the child for ever stilled , its face a waxen mask , the old doctor haggard with sorrow and lack of sleep , the mirror no breath had misted held in his hand , the parents in each other 's arms .
29 In his mind 's eye there was dawning a picture of this Carrie .
30 He was well on his way to the station when he paused and looked up towards a building , and he saw in his mind 's eye Carrie running up the steps , and he recalled her voice saying , ‘ Oh ! why must you keep on about that . ’
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