Example sentences of "[prep] a set of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , it can be described phonologically in terms of a set of sub-scales , in which the potential for lowering and backing will vary in degree for different subsets .
2 The preparation and compilation of budgetary plans will require the development of a set of estimates of future revenues and costs .
3 In some problems we require to obtain x for each of a set of values for p ; e.g. the elements of p may be functions of an independent variable , and we require x for each of a number of values of the variable .
4 It is arrived at by calculating the mean of a set of values and measuring the deviation between this and each value .
5 It is arrived at by calculating the mean of a set of values and measuring the deviation between this and each value .
6 This resulted in the production of a set of options .
7 Used strictly whether in reference to a household , a corporation or a government , an economy consists of a set of activities by which scarce means are allocated to specific ends .
8 The inability to convey accurate figures limits the use of pictograms except where we wish only to provide a general impression of a set of figures and where detail is not important .
9 The referral of a set of questions under Article 177 EEC by the House of Lords in Webb v EMO Air Cargo ( UK ) Ltd raises the issue of the ambit of anti-discrimination law in relation to pregnant women under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and Council Directive 76/207/EEC and also the scope of the protections offered under Council Directive 92185/ EEC ( OJ L 348/1 ) which gives improved rights to pregnant and breast-feeding women in the United Kingdom .
10 One of the first ideas towards understanding number is accordingly that of a set of objects ( cars or people , etc . ) .
11 His data consists of a set of objects called ‘ the well-formed sentences of a language ’ , which can exist independently of any individual speaker of that language .
12 Barth ( 1975 ) provides a remarkably clear instance of the alteration of the ‘ meaning ’ of a set of objects , in his account of a sequence of initiation rituals within a particular New Guinea society .
13 In as much , however , as the cultural forms thereby produced become the external environment through which emerge other groups whose interests are not identical , and indeed may be contrary , to their own , we are faced with the situation described in the discussion of building styles above , where the dominated group is forced to attempt to invest itself in the domain of culture represented by the built environment in terms of a set of objects whose initial meanings are antagonistic to its own interests .
14 The existence of a set of associations provides a means whereby the integrity of the design can be monitored and violations reported to the designer .
15 The worth of a set of documents or electronic information resource will depend upon numerous factors from prevailing scholarly attitudes to ease of use .
16 There is no evidence that at any of these houses Smythson was involved on the same day-to-day basis as at Longleat and Wollaton ; his contribution must often have been limited to the provision of a set of plans and elevations , which were liable to alteration at the whim of the patron and executive craftsmen .
17 And right now I 'm in the middle of a set of illustrations for a new book .
18 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
19 It therefore recommended a unifying and rationalising curriculum structure , in the form of a set of criteria that existing and future courses might satisfy , with national validation but allowing scope for flexibility and local initiative .
20 He was only clear about the classification as he worked through the foundations of his pragmatism and metaphysics in the 1890s , but it represents the systematization of a set of views that he had been groping towards since the 1860s .
21 Even if we had no standard semantics to characterise , it would still be necessary to investigate the structure of the classes of inter-transformable programs , because it is only this that reveals the true power of a set of laws .
22 His latest project , Praxis , involves space bassist Bootsy Collins , chainsaw guitarist Buckethead , keyboards wiz Bernie Worrell , drum-maniac Brain and beat demolisher/ex-Jungle Brother At Next Man Flip-Lord Paradox ( aka Afrika Baby Bam ) , all thundering the funk out of a set of tunes that sound as though they were composed on Mars .
23 This pressure may result in the maintenance of a set of norms — including linguistic norms — which then flourish in opposition to publicly legitimized norms .
24 This divergence of views can be seen ( following Mathewson and Winter , 1984 ) as arising out of a set of externalities .
25 One problem with the above test of a set of restrictions is that , strictly , it can only be applied when the model is linear and the restrictions themselves are linear .
26 His model consists of a set of hypotheses .
27 This term refers to the generation of a set of boundaries to define regions or areas which have a particular property or set of properties .
28 In societies such as colonial Sri Lanka , in which criminal law was made up of a set of rules , under this definition it is not normally difficult to determine whether or not an action was criminal .
29 The regulation of aviation comprises many different activities but perhaps the most significant is the drawing up of a set of rules and regulations and the establishment of an organisation to ensure their enforcement .
30 For instance , it would let International Relations theories refer to ‘ the international system ’ if and only if there is enough of a set of rules ( explicit , tacit , or even perhaps latent ) which international actors share and follow .
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