Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] for instance " in BNC.

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1 The skin can not , however , absorb essential oils if it is perspiring — after a sauna for instance .
2 No no i if it was if it was the likes of a say for instance , and I owned the book , it was my black book , and I ran up a hundred pounds on it .
3 This could be useful where a video programme was being shown continuously , as part of a display for instance .
4 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
5 If you prefer to enter the finished garment measurements only , ( taken from a diagram in a magazine for instance ) you can put these in the first column and just enter zero each time in the ease column .
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