Example sentences of "[prep] and around [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unix International is also preparing to look beyond Unix System Laboratories in its quest for technologies on top of and around the core Unix System V Release 4 ( SVR4 ) operating system , say sources close to the organisation .
2 If true , this would have implied either that the police had knowingly allowed a car that they thought was full of explosives to drive into and around the island , or that they were aware throughout the operation that the car was not dangerous .
3 Cadbury Hill Fort , Bristol-based Bob Pullen 's 20 black-and-white images capture the strange qualities of the fort , charting a journey into and around the site ( until 1 Feb ) .
4 For what else could so many well-connected old buffers do if not manoeuvre themselves into and around the Senate ?
5 Baldwin , in the Coalition Government , was a moon who moved with and around the leader of the Conservative Party .
6 The samples analysed here are all from the area around Rhulen in Wales ( Table 2.4 ) , and they include both pellets and the debris from in and around a nest .
7 The amount of debris in and around a site can indicate the level of cleanliness and hygiene ( or lack of it ) that was prevalent at that particular site .
8 The capture of the village yesterday evening did not make much difference to our situation in and around the village .
9 ‘ The activities of this detachment of the 15th Fusiliers , and subsequently those of the 25th Regiment , should really be described as the wholesale plundering of the many vehicles in and around the village of every type of valuable . ’
10 An international team of anthropologists began on Oct. 15 to exhume the remains of hundreds of people , many of them children , in and around the village of El Mozote in the north-eastern province of Morazán , an FMLN stronghold during the civil war .
11 The breadth of the food base is also seen in settled communities in the Malay Peninsula , where villagers may collect some wild fruit species but grow many in and around the village .
12 Every year 960,000 children in the U.K. go to hospital following accidents in and around the home .
13 In this booklet , we 've suggested over 50 different cleaning jobs in and around the home which you can tackle with your Steamatic .
14 You can find plenty of small animals in an aquarium ( Chapter 2 ) or in soil ( Chapter 8 ) as well as in many places in and around the home and garden .
15 In 1920 it was acquired by George Bateman , brewer of Wainfleet and he installed his brewery in and around the mill premises .
16 I begin by showing how different phases of that temporal process are associated with different spaces in and around the longhouse and end by showing that the very same " space-time " principles underlie the structure of the cosmos The anthropologist must regard the ancestral cosmos as an imaginary projection of present experience , but at the same time it is a projection which both controls present experience and forms an integral part of it .
17 There are always distractions in and around the arena , and a steady temperament is again vital , as well as first-rate training .
18 ( A strange distinction , this , since the KEF arrangement is probably the closest yet to a true concentric — the others are misnomers and should really be termed coaxial. ) claim that their composite driver is essentially free from the dispersion discontinuities in and around the crossover region , which inevitably result when tweeter and bass/midrange driver are physically separated ( because the directivities of the two drive units do not match in the crossover region the perceived tonal balance is modified as the listener moves position ) .
19 While variation in the ordering of tales is not merely possible but can be a critically rewarding way of reading the fragments in and around the middle of the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the fragments at the beginning and end ( fragments I and X , and , generally , II and IX ) are solidly fixed in place , challenging the reader to interpret them as and where they stand .
20 The parents who are not involved in school can harbour suspicions that favouritism exists and that those involved in and around the school are a clique that exerts power in obtaining preferential treatment for their own children to the disadvantage of others .
21 I thank you for all your prayers and support over many years and look forward to these 2 years in and around the fellowship .
22 The government 's four London Road Assessment studies and the Central London Rail Study are designed to improve matters in and around the capital but have attracted considerable hostility from conservation groups and some local authorities who believe the environmental consequences of major new road building will be catastrophic .
23 The Orangerie des Tuileries has been refurbished ( 1983 ) ; the Musée Picasso created in the hotel Sale ( 1985 ) and other thirty major museums in and around the capital have been modernised and renovated .
24 A state of emergency was declared on April 20 in and around the capital , Vladikavkaz ( formerly Ordzhonikidze ) , by the North Ossetian soviet following armed clashes on April 19-20 in the village of Kurtat between Ossetes and Ingushis .
25 The research involves mainly participant observation in and around the temple , supplemented by archival work to determine whether the role and importance of the temple has changed over time .
26 The Building Regulations are to safeguard the health and safety of those in and around the building .
27 The depot and its locomotives have a high place in the Southern enthusiasts ' hearts and Boocock has brought together a collection of pictures that illustrated the life in and around the depot as well as its varied locomotive stud out and about on the system 's metals .
28 At the same time a good many Sussex , and indeed Essex , wage earners were comparatively well paid , not least in the households of magnates like Lord La Warr at Offington and Lord Marney at Layer Marney ; the structure of wealth in the little town of Arundel attests to the prosperity generated by the great Fitzalan family , whose seat was the castle there , whilst Chichester city contained not only skilled artisans but also men employed in various capacities in and around the cathedral .
29 These have helped to augment an already substantial range of associated or independent research institutes in and around the University 's precincts .
30 There was also no lack of opportunity to meet up with your contemporaries in and around the dale — there was even a dance hall of a kind .
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