Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of goods " in BNC.

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1 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
2 On that severe view no Socialist could support the promotion of producers ' or workers ' , or industrial co-operatives , call them what you will , if they are described as organisations for the manufacture of goods or for the provision of services , and wholly or very largely owned by and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
3 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
4 In some industries , a deposit is taken as security for the return of goods hired out .
5 This states that individuals will value currencies for the bundle of goods that can be purchased with them .
6 It was then that they scooped out for the storage of goods the extensive vaults and cellaring that still run beneath the old town today .
7 When the Cooking Centre is no longer available a new repository will have to be found for the storage of goods in excess of normal everyday requirements .
8 Some have a substantial occupational pension , and possible capital accumulation which might allow for the provision of goods and services in a period of dependency .
9 If you have , you will realise how important it is to use the right type of price ticket for the type of goods being sold .
10 It is also possible that seasonal meeting places had already been determined for the exchange of goods and people as well as social intercourse .
11 It is an important aspect of local research to establish the identity and location of any markets and fairs , not only for the exchange of goods , but also as a background to the pattern of communications in an area .
12 The SGSA s 2 implies warranties as to title and quiet possession into all contracts " for the transfer of goods " which are equivalent to those implied into contracts for the sale of goods under s 12 of the SGA .
13 In s6 of UCTA 1977 there are certain special provisions which relate to the statutory implied terms in contracts of sale and s7 ( as amended by the SGSA 1982 ) , contains analogous provisions with regard to other contracts for the transfer of goods .
14 If we write for the quantity of goods transferred from site i to site j ( ) , we are faced with the constraints , for each i = 1 , … , m , .
15 The chief need of large shippers and carriers is ‘ to process information for the flow of goods .
16 As an example an exporter might decide to quote today a price to a German importer and the price to be quoted is DM100 000 for the consignment of goods in question .
17 The identity of the authority ( as well as of any other person , by virtue of paragraph 7 above ) as the person offering any particular tender for a contract for the supply of goods or services .
18 for the supply of goods or services and the supplier 's main business is not to engage in investment business
19 The first Part of this book deals with standard sets of conditions covering various relationships that can arise in the context of the supply of goods and services in the course of a business , ranging from short form standard conditions for the supply of goods and the provision of services , to a full contract for the supply of a turnkey system .
20 The latter two Acts will be referred to as necessary in this and the following chapters , and , needless to say , no legal adviser should be without copies of these Acts , as well as a standard reference work on the subject , when drafting conditions or contracts for the supply of goods and services .
21 The UCTA is concerned to regulate the use of clauses which exclude liability for failure to perform , for certain other types of tortious acts , and for failure to comply with certain warranties implied into contracts for the supply of goods and services under the SGA and SGSA ( for instance as to good title under the SGA ) .
22 ( ii ) international contracts for the supply of goods ;
23 The particular approach to consumer contracts for the supply of goods and services will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5 .
24 Having dealt with the question of exclusion clauses in general , the UCTA then deals with the question of the extent to which liability for breach of certain warranties implied into contracts for the supply of goods and services under the SGA , the SGSA and the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 can be excluded by express provision in the relevant contract .
25 International contracts for the supply of goods , even if prima facie caught under s 27 , will be exempt under s 26 of the UCTA , if they fulfil its rather strict requirements .
26 The DTI consider that although the title of the Directive applies to all contracts involving consumers , the recitals and indeed parts of the text , imply that it can only apply to contracts for the supply of goods and services .
27 Standard conditions for the supply of goods to business customers
28 This Chapter will concentrate on the drafting of standard conditions for the supply of goods in business as opposed to consumer transactions .
29 This being the case , it is not possible simply to exclude or , indeed , restrict , liability for the supply of goods which infringe third party intellectual property rights .
30 Although there is no absolute legal requirement , it is safest to ensure that there is some reference to the terms on the face of the document ; for instance : This order is for the supply of goods subject to the terms printed overleaf or We acknowledge receipt of your order and agree to supply you , subject to our terms printed overleaf .
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