Example sentences of "[prep] the room at the " in BNC.

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1 Stuff for the AGM and stuff for the room at the AGM er minutes from something or other to you from June what would that be ?
2 Her initial nerves had all gone now although it still felt strange to be on a catwalk rather than the carpeted floor of the room at the Grand Hotel .
3 Luckily my mother was out of the room at the time , or Dawn and I might have been sent to our room for giving her precious cat a heart attack .
4 ‘ Oh , goody goody , ’ said Malleson coming into the room at the same time .
5 ‘ Let's have it in the sitting-room , ’ Miss Honey said , picking up the tray and leading the way out of the kitchen and down the dark little tunnel into the room at the front .
6 She rushed from the room at the sound of the taxi honking and Kate watched her go with a pang of regret .
7 He requested that his parents and a very close friend of ours say goodbye to him , and that I 'd be in the room at the time and stay with him when they said goodbye .
8 Sleep did n't come easily when she was at home , or rather in the room at the hospital .
9 Bradman says it was Fingleton , Fingleton said it was Bradman , and Leo O'Brien ( the 12th man ) further confused the issue by revealing in a recent interview with Wisden Cricket Monthly that neither Bradman nor Fingleton was in the room at the time of the exchange , but ( former Australian Test players ) Ryder and Kippax , who were both reporting the matches in one way or another , were . ’
10 Let it be noted that J , head of was actually in the room at the time of this meeting .
11 There was no-one in the room at the time for Murray had only newly lit the fire and the table was still unlaid apart from the great branching candelabra like silver trees .
12 In fact , he was n't even in the room at the moment , thank goodness , and Bill was absorbed in conversation .
13 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
14 She had sensed the undercurrents in the room at the time , but had been too tense and afraid to take much notice .
15 but I mean , him and Joe were in the room at the same time .
16 if I had anything to do with it , I would like those , those gas fires that we 've got in the room at the back of the church there , they 're ideal .
17 I say , and laugh , sitting back and looking round the room at the bare paint walls and the constable sitting by the door .
18 The young graduates lift the hair out of their eyes , and for an instant glance round the room at the rather good , slightly worn furnishings .
19 A dado rail , fixed round the room at the level of chair backs , with painted panelling below it will add more character .
20 Maxim sipped his coffee and glanced covertly round the room at the shelves of leather-bound legal volumes a row of Spy 's legal cartoons framed degrees and photographs of Magill as a young soldier and he guessed General ‘ Wild Bill ’ Donovan the founder of US intelligence .
21 Those things she knew about Gus Hambro which did not fit into this picture , such as his manipulations over the room at the inn , she did not care to mention to anyone until she herself understood them better .
22 There was another MP sitting on a chair outside the room at the far end where the passage ran into a blank wall .
23 In dreams he 'd drifted through these rooms , and heard the Maestro 's voice summoning him up the stairs , up ! up ! , to the room at the top where Sartori had worked his work .
24 As he stood there , staring across the room at the invisible Bella , his bearing both haughty and disdainful , he looked every inch one of the Lords of the Earth , and Cassie supposed that in his way and in his time , he was .
25 There was n't much to it , just painted ply over a cardboard shell , and its lock went spinning across the room at the second kick .
26 But , despite the unwilling admission , he looked across the room at the soldier rather in the manner of one who hoped he had heard incorrectly .
27 But now a new pattern emerged as the red and brown shapes blocked together to form overlapping triangles all pointing across the room at the double doors opposite .
28 She gazed across the room at the door he kicked shut behind him , biting her lip .
29 P.C. Torney claimed that Hickson 's story was fabrication , and said the youth was prancing around the room at the police station , boxing and boasting of his prowess as a boxer … as a result of the boisterous behaviour , he caught his eye on a window-ledge .
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