Example sentences of "[prep] the form of word " in BNC.

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1 It is as though Lawrence was acknowledging that it is hard for human beings to say what they feel and that we often have to search for the form of words before we can find the words themselves .
2 In the present project , the semantic analyser has been developed to take input in the form of word candidates , and output those words with their associated scores .
3 The pagers are alphanumeric — they relay information in the form of words and numbers to a tiny scrolling screen on the pager .
4 In the early stages of learning a task , feedback in the form of words such as ‘ good ’ and ‘ well done ’ should be provided more frequently and immediately .
5 The world religions constitute an ‘ advance ’ from primitive societies in that individuals learn to differentiate representations , in the form of words , concepts , and categories from real tangible objects and processes .
6 I 'll have a look , but I 've had him doing actual words , like first words er , you know erm , Ben and large and in and out and just the , the easy words and Luke and his own name , so he is already got the idea that when you write a letter you ca n't just write any letter , you 've got to make letters say something either as erm , as an alphabet or in the form of words , so of course she says to , would you all like to write me a sentence , well he 's already passed that stage , he thinks himself well I ca n't write a sentence , what he knows as a sentence consists of words that make sense , so they 're all sitting there going a N , N , N , Q , R , S , N , T , T , and they 're saying a sentence like I went to the shops with my nanny , well Alex has already passed that stage , he knows that that is n't sensible , so he must of turned to her and he said , I ca n't write like that , my mummy will shout at me
7 Such lists will embody both specific decisions concerning preferred words and also , by example , decisions relating to the form of words to be used ( for example , singular or plural , nouns or adjectives ) .
8 It draws on the form of words suggested by the Williams Committee for their scheme of prohibition , and the purpose is simply to redefine the essence of the deprave-and-corrupt approach for those for whom the old form of words seems too far removed from the values and habits of today :
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