Example sentences of "[prep] tear [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The admission brought the sparkle of tears to her eyes .
2 ‘ What 's the matter , Leonora ? ’ asked Penry , his voice so unusually gentle that it brought a sheen of tears to her eyes .
3 There was a glisten of tears in her eyes .
4 To her horror she felt the sting of tears in her eyes and looked away again , refusing to let him see her moment of weakness .
5 She felt the beginning sting of tears in her eyes , and she shook her head wildly , averting her face from him .
6 He looked at Nigel Steen and saw the glint of tears in his eyes as the young man rushed out of the door .
7 She blinked a sudden and totally illogical misting of tears from her eyes .
8 She smiled tightly , feeling the hot sting of tears behind her lids .
9 She squeezed her eyes shut tightly , feeling the sting of tears behind her eyelids .
10 A lump rose in her throat and she felt the sharp sting of tears behind her eyelids .
11 Juliet felt the prick of tears behind her eyelids .
12 To her horror Rory felt the sting of tears behind her eyes and looked away helplessly .
13 He could scarcely see for the blur of tears behind his spectacles , but he bent to investigate a glint of metal among the dust .
14 Unable to give her anything but the bitter regret which struck out at him afresh , raising a sting of tears behind his eyes , an abominable tightness in his chest .
15 She saw his face in everyone , went to sleep with thoughts of him in her mind , dreamed of him and awoke with tears on her cheeks .
16 On the platform he Lenin had been confronted by men come back from prison or exile , who greeted him with tears on their cheeks
17 Me mother gets up at five o'clock with tears upon her cheeks ,
18 So they sang the old hymns with tears in their eyes and an ache of pride in their hearts .
19 It was a moving song , and I could see people with tears in their eyes , but I kept wondering why I could n't feel anything .
20 The doctors read these thankyou notes with tears in their eyes , especially when gratitude is expressed in a childish hand .
21 ‘ She has been the target of such spite that it disgraces those who offer it , and she bears it with a dignity that makes me proud , ’ he said as Mrs Kinnock stood behind him , smiling but with tears in her eyes .
22 Since she 's gone there 's been a gap … it made my life better , because — she had a garden I could use … and it was like a job — I felt I was led to do that job … and she used to be so pleased to see me , she used to almost embrace me with tears in her eyes .
23 Mary Ann was blind during the last few years of her life , and it had the quite understandable effect of making her very emotional ; she only had one set of grandchildren , and she made such a fuss of them : ‘ My Siddy ’ , she would say , as she stroked her young grandson 's cheek with tears in her eyes .
24 ‘ Thank you , mother , ’ replied Mary with tears in her eyes .
25 Claire Fraser now , over twenty years later , sitting on the log seat with tears in her eyes .
26 It clearly worked for my Russian neighbour , who turned to me with tears in her eyes after the chorus 's outfront plea at the end of the Streltsy scene and said , ‘ this is about us , now ’ .
27 It was a question of whether to turn away with tears in her eyes , admitting failure , or giving Amsterdam a taste of her temper .
28 ‘ I 'm sorry too , ’ she replied with tears in her eyes .
29 From an upstairs window , Rose watched him leave with tears in her eyes .
30 ‘ I do n't know , ’ she said , with tears in her eyes .
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