Example sentences of "[prep] every corner [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Out of every corner of the woods and glens they came creeping forth upon their hands , for their legs could not bear them .
2 Shadows fled into every corner of the poky little room as the flame flickered , shrank , a knife of burning air in the damp room .
3 Apart from the huge communities in Nairobi , Toronto and London , they have spread into every corner of the globe .
4 His ice-blue gaze darted into every corner of the room .
5 Fixed in gimbals , the lamp gradually extended its radiant circle into every corner of the deckhouse .
6 When she awoke , rubbing at a rather stiff neck , feeling hungry , but better than she expected , she found it was the middle of the morning and sunshine was streaming into every corner of the cottage .
7 Mrs Pygling sent her in to spy on Jane and she prowled about with a cordless telephone , through which she had to talk very loud , so that her cracked voice and cackling laugh could be heard in every corner of the estate .
8 Gracie Fields had a tremendous faculty of projection , perhaps stemming from her old Music Hall days , and she never needed a microphone for her ringing voice ; either belting out ‘ Its the Biggest Aspidistra in the World ’ , or singing gently ‘ Sally ’ , each syllable was heard in every corner of the huge auditorium .
9 She got no further than the hall and Ellen 's answer could have been heard in every corner of the house : ‘ None ! ’
10 These days , British stamps are collected in every corner of the world .
11 I held up the light and looked in every corner of the room .
12 The sun shone , the birds sang , and in every corner of the garden there was something interesting to look at .
13 We have made visits to actuarial societies in every corner of the globe and received many overseas visitors and we were struck by the similarity of the issues we face .
14 The hon. Gentleman can be absolutely certain that we agree that the measures proposed by Mr. MacSharry are to the detriment of his farmers and farmers in every corner of the United Kingdom .
15 Labour Members like the idea that one can formulate the blueprint in Brussels and hand it down to be followed in every corner of the Community .
16 That influence , far from being confined to the former graveyard of St Giles ' , has spread and is spreading in every corner of the world .
17 He expressed gratitude to " the millions of my compatriots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release " .
18 There 's something under threat in every corner of the globe and the programme sets out to list what 's dying out where .
19 from every corner of the garden ,
20 The Olympic Games , conceived in the days of ancient Athens , and revived nearly a hundred years ago as a festival of athletic excellence , brings the young from every corner of the globe every four years in the pursuit of glory .
21 With countries from every corner of the globe contributing , the whole exhibition will be split into seven distinct themes .
22 Issued about nine times a year to celebrate the richness of life in Britain , they are collected by enthusiasts from every corner of the globe .
23 The creditors had come from every corner of the globe and filled up the ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto with their lawyers and advisers .
24 Men appeared from every corner of the docks , some in uniform , others in civilian garb .
25 He studied art and music , and filled his house with beautiful things from every corner of the world .
26 We are gathered here a little before Christmas to perform our annual fishing industry pre-ministerial Council season 's service — that litany of woe from every corner of the kingdom — telling of sad tidings of discomfort and no joy in the industry .
27 The huts we stayed in were full of tourists from every corner of the globe .
28 Despite its internal disorder , the ANC remains quite capable of spreading chaos to every corner of the land .
29 Despite the end of the cloth trade , two World Wars and a major fire , Woodchester Mill has remained a busy working site with Woodchester-built pianos still managing to find their way to every corner of the globe .
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