Example sentences of "[prep] wife [conj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Families in modern Britain are generally more privatized and inward-looking than they used to be , with a greater interest in the home and the immediate family of wife or husband and children .
2 In part Morgan believed that , in systems based on descent groups , spouses were held in common because , in such a society , people often talk of wives or husbands as ‘ having been married to such and such a gens ’ .
3 At home she was becoming progressively more disorganized and dissatisfied with her role as wife and mother as she felt that all her attempts to exert control were undermined by her husband .
4 ‘ Well , she said a lot of good things about how housework and things were essential social work — you know , saying it was work , hard work , servicing other people , not that airy fairy labour of love stuff , and how it ought to be recognised , and how it was because women were seen as wives and mothers that they got low wages , no money when they were at home looking after small kids .
5 Most working women 's groups accepted that the respectable woman 's place was in the home , emphasising women 's contribution as wives and mothers and the need to bring the ‘ mother spirit into politics ’ .
6 Thus Josephine Butler spoke of the home as the ‘ nursery of all virtue ’ , and of the need to re-establish ideal family life , both by improving the position of women as wives and mothers and by extending domestic values to the world beyond the home .
7 He talked to maids , struggling with his limited Greek , sometimes doing better in Italian , and to the camp boy servant of an old woman , he talked to wives and husbands and teenage children .
8 The extended families are split up as the men move first , to be followed only after a fairly long interval by wives and children and often never by other relatives .
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