Example sentences of "[prep] member [prep] the royal " in BNC.

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1 The first two vehicles fitted-out will be based on the new Mark III sleeping cars and will be for the use of members of the Royal Household and other support staff .
2 c ) Staff or families of members of the Royal Forest of Dean Tourist Association and staff of the Forest of Dean Tourist Information Centres may not enter this competition .
3 Rostov doubted if either his rank or his arguable status as both husband and father of members of the Royal Family would affect the outcome of such a discussion .
4 On occasion it interfered with the correspondence of French ministers or former ministers ( Choiseul after his fall in 1770 and Turgot during his period in office in 1774 – 76 ) , and even with that of members of the royal family .
5 Over the years various suspects had been identified as the killer , including members of the Royal Family .
6 Middle- or upper-class grief is hidden under controlled facial muscles or even under a black veil , as with members of the royal family .
7 He corresponded with members of the Royal Society , had lodgings in Christ Church parish , Newgate Street , London , and sought support for his projects at court and in Parliament and the City .
8 ‘ Many people expect a standard from members of the Royal Family , which they do n't expect from their own families .
9 The Council recommended a force of 6,000 men , apart from members of the royal household and men in charge of supplies , backed by ‘ three great pieces of guns ’ , 400 arquebuses , 60 ‘ falcons ’ or light cannon , and 500 hand-guns .
10 Roger Scott , Manager , Peebles Branch and Ronnie Dunachie , retired Manager of Helensburgh Branch , spent four weeks in Canada as members of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club 's touring party .
11 It 's very difficult for members of the Royal Family to ‘ come out ’ , even when rumours abound .
12 But she knew from experience that it was as dangerous for policemen to speak honestly to the public as for members of the royal family .
13 While I was opposed to that operation , I have the highest respect for our armed forces personnel , and — for rather quaint reasons — I have great sympathy and respect for members of the Royal Military Police .
14 The speculation has brought a renewed call for members of the Royal family to be protected from the continual scandal surrounding the tapes .
15 The speculation has brought a renewed call for members of the Royal family to be protected from the continual scandal surrounding the tapes .
16 Police protection for members of the Royal Family living in Gloucestershire is costing council tax payers more than a million pounds a year .
17 We talked of toxic wastes ; the possibility of there ever being true democracy in Tonga ( ‘ on paper the place is ripe for revolution , it is true , and our friends in the other islands are experiencing troubled times , so we must be wary ’ ) ; the complaints about corruption among the Tongan nobility , the curious business arrangements engineered between members of the royal family and the dubious Americans who were forever fetching up at the palace doorstep wishing to bend a royal ear to this scheme or that , with wealth and fame for all ; and the most surprising news : his decision to demolish the royal palace .
18 There she learnt how to handle a .38 calibre Smith and Wesson revolver and a Hechler and Koch machine pistol which are now standard issue to members of the Royal Protection squad .
19 Mr Cunningham had asked Mr Lamont to ‘ extend taxation of income to members of the Royal Family who are currently excluded . ’
20 Optimism is highest among members of the Royal Scots — the world 's oldest infantry regiment , which received the lion 's share of medals for bravery in the Gulf War — and the King 's Own Scottish Borderers , which are due to become one regiment in 1994 .
21 Two other new coaches will be constructed and fitted out specifically for use by members of the Royal Family .
22 A full-size figure of Queen Victoria , moving and speaking , comes to life in our Royalty Room , where her nightdress , chemise and silk stockings are on display , along with other items of clothing once owned by members of the Royal Family .
23 [ M. E. Durham , Through the Lands of the Serb , 1904 , The Burden of the Balkans , 1905 , High Albania , 1909 ( reprinted with introduction by John Hodgson , 1985 ) , The Struggle for Scutari , 1914 , and The Serajevo Crime , 1925 ; Man , vol. xliv , 1944 , pp. 47–8 ( 80th birthday tributes by members of the Royal Anthropological Institute ) ; Margaret FitzHerbert , The Man who was Greenmantle , 1983 ; personal knowledge . ]
24 The prince was so impressed that he had a Polish translation made , brought a scenic engineer from Mantua for a ‘ fisher idyll ’ Galatea produced at the Warsaw court , and on his accession to the throne in 1632 built a theatre in his palace where a whole series of Italian operas specially composed by members of the Royal Chapel was given .
25 Two revolvers , an automatic pistol , 118 bullets and three balaclavas were found in a planned search of a vacant house at Glen Road by members of the Royal Irish Regiment .
26 Di was putting on a brave face today amidst speculation that their marriage is undergoing a serious rift is threatening to eclipse their visit to South Korea the first by members of the Royal Family .
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