Example sentences of "[prep] be transfer to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another five were said to be ‘ very poorly ’ after being transferred to a hospital specialising in infectious diseases .
2 This autonomy is jealously defended by neighbourhood policemen in Easton , who see it as an essential part of their job , as one was ruefully reminded after being transferred to the Traffic Branch .
3 Erm plans for the succession er and development of senior people and some of the plans this is going back to July er were in place then , most of the plans are in place now erm has probably most of you know are retiring in in October er their jobs have now all been allocated and are in the process of being transferred to the partners .
4 It moved again when Whitsuntide itself was changed and joined other events in being transferred to the Spring Bank Holiday Monday .
5 New tenants , particularly from non-conforming households such as single parents , tend to be given the poorer standard housing and are expected to prove their ability to look after and improve their home before being transferred to a better property .
6 The labelled cells were washed once with cell free plasma before being transferred to a heparinised plastic syringe for reinjection .
7 He was rushed to the intensive care unit at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool where he remained for a week before being transferred to a rehabilitation ward .
8 He was rushed to the intensive care unit at Liverpool 's Alder Hey Hospital where he stayed for a week before being transferred to a rehabilitation ward .
9 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
10 Pipe on to paper , if you need to allow the design to dry before being transferred to the cake , or directly on to the cake if this is applicable , for instance if the run-out is to lie flat .
11 Meanwhile , the hostages were to be transferred to a safe house in Cyprus and then spirited away by sea .
12 The 200 companies and 369 local authority undertakings , together with the Central Electricity Board and the nearly 300 power stations owned and operated by these organisations , were to be transferred to a new public body , the British Electricity Authority .
13 Where proceedings are pending in the High Court , the court may order them to be transferred to a specified county court ( r 7.11(1) ) .
14 I shall arrange for her to be transferred to a private hospital where she can have her own room with a TV and a phone beside the bed .
15 There are four too with German clubs in the Bundesliga second and third divisions while the top local is 19-year-old striker Eimantas Poderis of the leading club Zhalgiras Vilnius who is expected to be transferred to a German club within the next few months .
16 Clark 's most important function , the provision of sophisticated air combat training at the adjacent Crow Valley range , was to be transferred to a site in Alaska .
17 The conditions in which they had been kept in the notorious Tazmamert prison had been so appalling that they had had to be transferred to a hospital for medical treatment to make them fit for release .
18 Not only will this ‘ buy time ’ to assist with the resuscitation of the patient , but if necessary it will enable the patient to be transferred to a unit where endoscopic sclerotherapy can be undertaken .
19 RDBI The Relational Database Interface product allows data held by LIFESPAN to be transferred to a relational database where it may then be queried by users .
20 This manual explains how to use LIFESPAN RDBI , the Relational Database Interface product , which allows data held by LIFESPAN to be transferred to a relational database , where it may be queried by users .
21 She can shuffle while , when held in a bear hug , bear hug position by one of her parents in order for her to be transferred to a commode or to a wheelchair .
22 MORE than 200 council houses in the Cordale area of Renton are to be transferred to a community-based housing association .
23 After talks with BR 's Chairman , Peter Parker , we agreed that the sensible way forward was for a new company , British Rail Investments , to be formed and for the subsidiaries to be transferred to the private sector , with the proceeds going to British Rail .
24 By the mid-seventeenth century it had become normal for the wealth of the old people to be transferred to the next generation when they retired , perhaps in their sixties , but for the retired couple to retain houseroom in the family home ; and in order to make disputes less likely , these retirement arrangements were increasingly recorded in deeds .
25 It is possible for some urethral discharge from the penis to be transferred to the seat if the male is sitting down ; and if a second male should accidentally touch the same part of the seat soon afterwards with his penis , then infection could be acquired .
26 He was glad to be transferred to the Army Education Corps after about a year , to discourse , with the rank of sergeant , to soldiers on topics such as ‘ why Turkey will remain neutral ’ , ‘ why Japan has entered the war ’ and so on .
27 So when he was told he was going to be transferred to the Sheriff 's Wayside Honor Farm at Castaic , he told reporters , ‘ I 've been pretty happy in the tank here .
28 The working hypothesis reached by the counsellor has to be transferred to the counsellees , not through direct transmission , but by helping them achieve their own insights .
29 The King , having word of this in advance , provided him with a signet ring which he showed and which entitled the matter to be transferred to the King 's presence , where the accusers were roundly rebuked .
30 He expects the effort to eliminate duplicated research and development efforts and allow resources to be transferred to the development of middleware technologies .
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