Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [unc] training " in BNC.

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1 Organising training , administration , health and safety and quality is all in a day 's work for the division 's Training and Administration Manager Frank Hesketh .
2 Last spring , Lorna signed up for the fortnight 's training course , and was allocated a large portion of the Glasgow and Clyde area , with 12,000 potential customers .
3 The borough plans to house its archives in this ‘ lilla huset ’ ( Swedish for ‘ little house ’ ) , together with an urban study centre for local schools and a business studies centre for the borough 's training programme .
4 The working party prepared written submissions drawing comparisons between the Bar 's training and that proposed by the Law Society but taking account of the experience solicitors would be likely to have had in the lower courts .
5 After the year 's training , he was brought back into the company as group finance director .
6 In addition copies of the Council 's training notes ‘ Lothian Regional — an Introduction to Council Tax ’ have been made available to your advisers and further copies can be made available free of charge if you would like to take advantage of this .
7 The creation of the Training and Enterprise Councils by central government to run the bulk of the country 's training has encountered problems of culture clash .
8 Margaret Charlwood , our Producer today , is now Director of the Society 's training programme for the Medau Society 's Teachers ' Award ( with the City and Guilds 7307 ) , further in-service training for qualified teachers and producer of the National Display Team .
9 A number of organisations said that they would ‘ prefer a more flexible system ’ of training as opposed to the ‘ detailed requirements ’ of the Institute 's training office authorisation system .
10 This need was accentuated by the extension of the Institute 's training scheme to non-practising organisations and into the European Community .
11 I have to admit to being somewhat partisan in this month 's column , for I am , ( or rather think I am ) a member of the BMC 's Training Committee .
12 David sees cases through from beginning to end , an important aspect of the firm 's training programme .
13 His report is very carefully noted by those in charge of the boy 's training .
14 Production of the magazine has become part of the students ' training , with proceeds being used to provide additional resources for the courses involved .
15 All companies showed a strong commitment to language training which varied between 20% and 65% of the company 's training budget .
16 The Annual Christmas Concert took place in the hall of the Teachers ' Training College at Barnards Cross .
17 Brigadier Scott is taken to the Sergeants ' Mess to meet the Mess members , all of Whom have played vital parts either as instructors or in the administrative support of the recruits ' training , prior to lunching in the Officers ' Mess .
18 The published accounts of these journeys and the plants found , 250 in Kent and 72 more in Hampstead , were the first records of the herborising expeditions which were to become a regular part of the Apprentices ' training in botany .
19 The allocation to L Detachment of specialists taken from Special Service units would greatly increase the scope of the units ' training and thereby augment its value to men who inevitably gain versatility and resourcefulness .
20 Much of the certifieds ' training is done by correspondence course and , until the final exams that must be passed in one sitting , they are able to tackle the lower stages over a five-year period , taking one or two at a time .
21 Group Organisers — as their title indicated — were very much the administrators and organisers of the Group 's training courses .
22 Two days earlier he had been driving troop carriers at Kuchino , one of the KGB 's training centres outside Moscow , and now he 'd been asked to drive for General Benin no less .
23 The idea was to provide a large proportion of the teacher 's training on the job .
24 My son , he wrote , moving on to a new page , my son , who is a keen footballer and a passionate supporter of our local team , Brighton and Hove Albion ( the Seagulls ) , was surprised the other day when , looking in on one of the team 's training sessions in the sports pavilion of the University of Sussex , he .
25 She hopes to continue tutoring for A level and GCSE and will be a member of the staff of the Readers ' training course in the Derby Diocese .
26 The issues and ideas developed here are the result of the author 's training and development work on care in the community , with the staff from a number of local authority social service departments .
27 However , we plan to re-schedule it to run simultaneously with the Teachers ' Training Day at Stockwell Park School on Saturday , 5th July 1986 .
28 More members are needed for this class which is organised in conjunction with the Teachers ' Training Course and is helping to support it .
29 she got the forms from the teachers ' training college at er , at Shipley near er near where we were
30 Relations with Brian Clough hit rock bottom , you might remember , when the manager called the police in to escort Fashanu from the club 's training ground .
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