Example sentences of "[prep] the debate over the " in BNC.

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1 Ada Nield Chew , a working class mother , feminist and labour movement activist , was scornful in her assessment of the debate over the link between women 's employment and infant mortality .
2 This provocative thesis , very much connected with the questions of the transnational capitalist class discussed above , and their influence over the popular masses in developing countries , lies at the centre of the debate over the economic , political and cultural-ideological TNPs in developing countries .
3 It is through the use of animal characters that epic or heroic imagery becomes mock-heroic ; for instance of Chauntecleer , the cock : So too the solemnity of the debate over the significance of dreams , introduced by Chauntecleer with a pompous " " Madame " " and rhetorically conducted by the citation of a battery of learned authorities , becomes a burlesque in the mouth of this proud bird .
4 Clinton 's reign as world champion has been blemished by controversy because of the debate over the validity of his win over the Mexican , Isidro Perez , to win his title and the verdict given the Scot after his first defence against Danny Porter , from London .
5 A look at the development of the labour movement in Latin America will lead us into the debate over the radical/conservative nature of the working class .
6 The recent Institute statement of intent on continuing professional education has breathed new life into the debate over the cost of structured CPE , and it is not difficult to see why .
7 Noble energy was directed into the debate over the precise terms , rather than the principle , of early Emancipation .
8 Within France , the issue has become absorbed into the debate over the forthcoming referendum on the Maastricht treaty , with opponents claiming that an EC single market would result in France becoming the " dustbin of Europe " .
9 In addition , quite apart from the debate over the relation between grammar teaching and writing development , there are several other valid justifications for teaching explicitly about language .
10 Second , it will examine , in the light of Titmuss 's interpretation , the policy innovations and possible ideological realignments that resulted from the debate over the condition of the children .
11 Here is the central issue in the debate over the ordination of women .
12 In the debate over the great Commissions of Inquiry of the 1830s and 1840s , divisions amongst the bourgeoisie were quite clear .
13 All sides in the debate over the revolution accept that the war served to heighten discontent , intensify social conflict and destabilize the political regime .
14 Lloyd George might think that in beating Wilson over the space requirements of Asiatics in the debate over the Merchant Shipping Act in 1906 he was delivering the working classes from their unworthy prejudices against foreign seamen , but the seamen thought that they knew better .
15 Fortunately for the incumbents , some powerful Socialists might appreciate the support of the centre-right to buttress their position in the debate over the role of the government in the economy .
16 The consultative paper explicitly identified the ‘ terms on which sole practice should be allowed to continue … ’ as ‘ a key question ’ in the debate over the cost of default .
17 Your article omits a further important strand to the debate over the past 15 years as to the optimal level of borrowing for firms .
18 Yet the point of devolving power to provincial assemblies , central to the debate over the Tamil question , was to give these provinces some control over their own affairs .
19 I repeat it here , as in sections 3.3 to 3.5 we will be looking at three different theories , each of which takes a different starting-point to the debate over the service economy , which in turn influences their conceptual framework and what counts as valid kinds of evidence .
20 They are central to the debate over the provision of legal services and the response to these issues will affect the formulation of policy .
21 The proposals represented the federal government 's most significant contribution to the debate over the country 's future since the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord in 1990 [ see pp. 37519-20 ] .
22 This necessarily brief account has concentrated on the debate over the retirement condition between 1908 and 1948 , and the curious ‘ complicity ’ of the labour movement in demanding a measure that was to confirm the economic uselessness of old people .
23 The growth of disillusionment with the war and the resulting peace settlement , fuelled by the debate over the League , helped to discredit the Democrats .
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