Example sentences of "[prep] the issues that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 We need to ensure , for the health of this country , that a wide range of voice and view is heard by allowing proper national debate about the issues that bind us as well as the issues that divide us .
2 Part of our reaction to that situation has been negative , especially the behaviourist interlude that sought to define out of existence many of the issues that confront us , but for the most part the approach has been a steady accumulation of experimental data in anticipation of the day when meaningful theories could be developed .
3 The next best thing is to show that you are aware of the issues that surround a choice of text ( some of these will probably be explained in the introductory " Note on the Text " ) .
4 These are some of the issues that inform my approach to labourism .
5 Such decision makers may have little experience of the issues that affect women or ethnic minorities , for example .
6 He faces the prospect of retirement with the same level-headed commonsense approach with which he has tackled most of the issues that have confronted him in his long career .
7 It 's a little bit unfair I think as well to generalize , on sponsored members of parliament because , you know as well as I do , on some of the issues that have been very very important to us , not the sort erm , er the sexy issues that head , hit the headlines , but issues that mean a lot to our members , our sponsored members generally do work very , very hard .
8 We need a delivery mechanism to deal with many of the issues that have been raised , such as convergence .
9 Sadly I think that our time has run out for this particular session , but I would remind you that the seminars this afternoon , erm , are , offer other opportunities to explore both some of the issues that have been raised er , through your questions now , and also others that you may wish to raise , er , with the members of staff , the leaders of the groups .
10 I think most of the issues that have been raised tonight already , are ones for the police authority and I hope they will get on with their job .
11 Among the most urgent of the issues that need to be tackled are the following :
12 Thus many of the issues that arise over open case conferences with client access also occur in network meetings .
13 This uncertainty is of relevance to some of the issues that arise on this appeal .
14 This section considers some of the issues that arise when examining the incidence of taxation in a model where markets do not necessarily clear , focusing particularly on unemployment .
15 This form of internal organization arises from the need to maintain direct control of the activity of employees , indirect control via incentive schemes not being possible ( we refer below to some of the issues that arise in the attempt to devise such incentive structures ) .
16 In this section we highlight some of the issues that arise in industrial policy .
17 Apart from the issues that affect Mr. Thorpe personally , questions are raised by this form of treatment that affect any national health service patient who is similarly afflicted .
18 In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them .
19 Now it could be said of course that we do n't offer the same kind of very intense opportunities that are on offer to undergraduates , but in some senses , and many adults have testified to this , this is an advantage , because it enables people in their own time , and sometimes over a fairly prolonged period , to explore with a tutor , a scholar , the kind of interests that they have in the issues that have concerned them in society .
20 Science as it is presented in schools , he argues , seems irrelevant to most 13–16-year-olds , and if we are to recruit more pupils into scientific careers , then science should be shown to have some relationship to the issues that concern them .
21 Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , erm I 'd just like to make five brief points in response to the issues that have been raised erm on One D.
22 However , will the Minister assure the House that the new standing committees to be established by the UKCC will include committees for the minority professions so that their significant contributions to nursing are heard and they are consulted on the issues that concern them ?
23 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
24 The Conservatives are acting on the issues that affect your local area — in the coming year we will …
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