Example sentences of "[prep] the changes that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 For the changes that threaten this country , either from a majority Labour government or one kept in power by the Liberal-Democrats , are of an enormity that still has not sunk in .
2 Pavel Zhikarev , who stood down as chairman after 25 years at Sberbank , laid the foundations for the changes that lie ahead .
3 In The School of charity , Evelyn Underhill draws a parallel between the changes that take place when the Holy Spirit is working in us and the effect of yeast on dough .
4 What is it about the changes that occur in a crossroads period that mark them out as structural changes , distinct from the movement and change experienced during the intervening years ?
5 About the changes that have been made to .
6 Considering geography as the description of the changes that take place or have taken place in or at the surface of the earth Linton ( 1965 ) suggested that any changes which occur in the real world imply that work has been done and energy expended .
7 Indeed , many of the changes that alter the balance in power in Parliament are no more than changes between voting and non-voting , or vice versa .
8 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
9 Sections 1.2 , 1.3 and 1.4 outline some of the changes that have occurred in the UK economy and its international position over recent history .
10 To a certain extent that was inevitable as a result of the changes that have occurred over the past three or four Governments and I am certain that it will continue to improve .
11 Colette McAuley , senior social worker at Loughside Unit of Management , said the aim of the conference was to inform people of the changes that have taken place since the 1989 Children 's Act was introduced in Britain and to discuss the implications of the draft Children ( NI ) Order .
12 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
13 Let's have a look more closely at some of the changes that have taken place in the past few decades .
14 Some of the decisions clearly are easier at than others because we get a certain concensus on the easy ones , while we 've gone to some of the more difficult ones to exemplify behind the changes that need to come about that it will not have a direct impact on schools and their school budgets and the children , but will promote the services we 've always done .
15 When my right hon. Friend is making arrangements for his business in the second week in April , will he please include a visit to Edgware general hospital , where he will find patients , members of staff and doctors highly satisfied with the changes that have taken place in the national health service ?
16 The research is concerned with the changes that have taken place in the engineering profession since the Finniston Report and particularly after the appointment of the new Engineering Council .
17 We must be constantly vigil and keep a sharp look out for new issues which need to be put on our agenda , so that we can keep pace with the changes that affect our members and organization .
18 The reasons for failure are more likely to be due to people problems , which may show themselves by the lack of cooperation when the information system is being developed and a resistance to the changes that occur when the application is implemented .
19 The second explanation of the shift to rural areas focuses on the changes that have occurred in the production process .
20 A recent scrutiny by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission commented favourably on the changes that have already been wrought and the further developments that are under way .
21 It is focusing on the changes that have taken place both in the relationship between the profession and the government and in the internal organisation and politics of the professional institutions .
22 Well I think people are settled on the changes that have been made , and want to move on , and I do n't think
23 I have long been impressed , for example , by the changes that occur between the Frasnian and Famennian stages of the Late Devonian .
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