Example sentences of "[prep] what [is] [adv] happen " in BNC.

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1 The television sits in the corner and leaks unsavoury glimpses of what 's really happening on to the faded carpets , and they hate it .
2 Again this is a distortion of what is generally happening in the courts , where sentences are lighter than this average , so newspaper readers have contrasting images of many acquittals and many long sentences .
3 Are examination syllabuses seen as an unwelcome intrusion into the normal pattern of teaching in those subjects , or are they a natural extension of what is already happening ?
4 Future generations will condemn us for inaction in the face of what is obviously happening in the world at present .
5 In most cases it is also useful to develop a statement of the primary task of the enterprise , based on a neutral assessment of what is actually happening or is being achieved ( such as making motor cars , or providing a specified service and so on ) .
6 It is not difficult to form a physical picture of what is actually happening at a re-entrant such as a crack , especially if we consider the matter upon a molecular scale .
7 I can not comment on details of the negotiations because I do not know the details of what is actually happening today , but it is quite clear that we have been arguing that matters affecting foreign policy should continue to be decided under the auspices of intergovernmental co-operation .
8 Where the results of some parts of the total business are improving and others are declining , the total figure may be an inadequate reflection of what is actually happening .
9 I think these proposals not only are a way forward but also in light of what is actually happening in the area of Highfields with er the high numbers of unemployment , with the high rate of people underachieving in education I think for the last two and a half years there has been no clear guidelines or structure that has systematically brought about any results in the two centres to move forward where people have lost out by this issue being bureaucratic and a political football that 's being kicked about and I think it 's about time where we now have cross party consensus that we move positively forward and work towards these proposals .
10 Is there in Eastern Europe a hideous environmental prototype of what is about to happen in the developing world ?
11 Only by painstaking research are we able to paint an accurate picture of what is really happening .
12 We have written very carefully descriptive material of what is really happening in the experiment and then a very succinct set of instructions — do this , do that , turn the left hand knob .
13 Logic has nothing at all to do with what is about to happen .
14 The premise of much of what follows is contrary to that view and is based on the view that to separate the ‘ educational ’ from the ‘ management ’ processes of schools is a fundamental misconception — at odds with the British educational tradition , with what is actually happening in other countries and even with its own origins in industrial and commercial practice .
15 Procedure Audit follows the same process as the SSM , using a conceptual model of the defined human activity to make a comparison with what is actually happening in practice .
16 And the last aspect of this sir is if you were to erm have a strategic site policy which as I was alluded to in my opening remarks , really is a chance for the planning system to catch up with what is actually happening in this county .
17 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
18 Most of this information comes not so much from what is happening but from what is not happening .
19 The truth is that the Footsie is proving to be a misleading guide to what is really happening in the market .
20 And so it seems to me that erm we must look to you sir and Miss Whittaker to say what you feel as er independent erm hearkeners to the debate er we it 's time as I would say for erm North Yorkshire now to face up to what 's going on in its own territory and remove the planning obstacles to what is actually happening and just to make sure that it 's safely tied up with criteria to make sure it does n't erm erm unhappy consequences instead of the happy consequences that we are trying to achieve .
21 But a rapidly escalating body count forces her to face up to what 's really happening .
22 The second series of questions focuses on what 's really Happening here as the problem .
23 The former concentrates on what is actually happening , comprehensively outlining the growing problems of deforestation , desertification , soil erosion , flooding , siltation , as well as a decline in standards in health , housing and industrial pollution control .
24 Research is focused on what is actually happening in response to the innovation .
25 However , problems arise as soon as you start to think about what is actually happening when a tippe-top flips over .
26 We suggest your readership would be better served by some honest and balanced reporting of real issues instead of trying to conjure up imaginary conflict to act as a smokescreen for what is really happening in Wear Valley under the present Liberal administration .
27 A snow bunting twitters away to my left , laughing — as it turns out — at what is about to happen next , when I find that the volcanic dish is shallow and filled with grass and wind-blown rubbish .
28 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
29 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
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