Example sentences of "[prep] which he refer [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a well-known Christian discourse , chapter 17 of The Acts of the Apostles , St Paul makes a speech to the Athenians in which he refers to an altar inscribed with the words , ‘ To an unknown God ’ .
2 His seeming determination to be confused with the distinguished British artist is evident in the recent press release advertising an exhibition of his work in which he refers to his emphasis on non-commissioned portrait drawings which ‘ entail months , even years , of work with the sitter , while very little peripheral material such as smaller studies , sculpture , and etchings is allowed to emerge from the studio ’ .
3 Harold Wilson caused offence in a broadcast on 26 May in which he referred to supporters of the strike as " spongers " .
4 It was first used by Alfred Sauvy , a French demographer , in an article published in Le Monde in which he referred to two industrialized words , one capitalist , one communist , and a tiers monde which remains largely agricultural .
5 At the Kazan " requiem for the victims of Bezdna ( which took place in the emotionally charged atmosphere of Palm Sunday ) he stepped forward at the end of the service with a commemorative address in which he referred to the dead peasants as " friends , killed for the people " .
6 I also have a copy of a speech he made in Geneva to the United Nations , in which he referred to the fatwa as outrageous , and an abuse of the most fundamental human rights — really very strong language for the British Government ! ’
7 That represents sixty percent of secondary schools and seventeen percent of primary schools and despite the er endeavour to which he refers of Essex county council , I can tell him that the latest school to decide to hold a ballot on such status is Notley High School , Braintree .
8 In making manifest to a waiting public the final accomplishment of that ambitious design , Sheriff Irvine Smith has had to contend with vicissitudes of health to which he refers in his Introduction and from which all his many friends are rejoiced to see him recovered .
9 In 1931 Eliot reviewed Middleton Murry 's biographical study of Lawrence and went on to read Lawrence 's letters , to which he referred in 1933 .
10 The church and state broadcasts to which he referred in his next letter were noteworthy as containing one of his own , of which I thought highly .
11 Will my hon. Friend confirm that the state of affairs to which he referred in Wolverhampton has continued for about 10 years now ?
12 When will the tendering process be opened for the craft to which he referred in his statement ?
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