Example sentences of "[prep] a combination of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Helix destabilisation induced by d 3C A is almost certainly the result of a combination of effects and those that are likely to be significant include :
2 Mrs Thatcher 's unwilling departure was the result of a combination of factors .
3 As you know , health is the product of a combination of factors , among which medical care plays a relatively minor role .
4 The demise of a medium may , therefore , be the final outcome of a combination of factors rather than the result of one specific one .
5 The failure on the part of the sufferer to appreciate that solutions might exist may be the result of a combination of factors including ignorance , apathy , complexity of the situation , generality of the problem and the extent of financial or physical resources required to rectify matters .
6 Many sediments are composed not of one single grain size population , but rather of a combination of sub-populations .
7 Instead , place the emphasis on the more straightforward reasons for leaving , after all few decisions are the result of just one factor but are usually the result of a combination of circumstances .
8 a rear fog lamp on a vehicle which is part of a combination of vehicles any part of which is not required by the Regulations to be fitted with a rear fog lamp ;
9 Although his family remained Ainsworthians , Offwood subsequently joined the Dutch Reformed Church , and there he stayed until 18 April 1629 , when he moved to the English Reformed Church of Amsterdam — a congregation affiliated with the Dutch Reformed Church , pastored by John Paget [ q.v. ] and composed of a combination of ex-Separatists and Puritans .
10 Each profile was made up of a combination of descriptors and Boolean conditions , and averaged twenty-six distinct search terms .
11 The track will consist , typically , of a combination of words , music and sound effects ( which appear in scripts as ‘ SFX ’ ) .
12 The balance of modern thinking in risk assessment and regulation is therefore moving towards a combination of codes and standards with ‘ goal setting ’ .
13 Both guitars have solid spruce tops , although the D-32's is closer-grained and prettier , and both are bound in faintly-flamed maple for a combination of looks and durability , with a decorative maple stripe down the centre of the back .
14 Hence there is a need for a combination of strategies and tactics .
15 On the whole I 'd look for a combination of colours and light .
16 This regards driving as a combination of skills which can be grouped into a three level hierarchy .
17 Geometric data is usually stored as a combination of coordinates and associated topology .
18 It was common form for converts who had led relatively blameless lives to condemn , as Newton did , ‘ the impiety and profaneness ’ of their unregenerate days ; but in his case there were the hard facts of his voyages in slave ships to the West Coast of Africa , on one of which he had been abandoned to his fate and only rescued through a combination of circumstances that indeed seemed to be almost miraculous .
19 Wallace was a different animal , who , through a combination of circumstances and personal courage , was thrust into broader horizons .
20 In the view of the RCN , a manpower crisis can be averted through a combination of initiatives , some of which are already in train .
21 After-hours computerised futures trading will be operating in the US next year , possibly through a combination of systems being developed by the world 's two largest futures exchanges , the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the LIFFE .
22 If you then remember that the agency 's creative people are — at least in theory — especially good at getting into other people 's minds through a combination of words and pictures , it becomes a little clearer that while an advertising strategy may be a statement of intent about the communication of an idea to a target group , the interpretation of that strategy by the creative group may contain none of the words of the strategy ( except things like ‘ the ’ and ‘ and ’ ) .
23 Finally , the spike terminates through a combination of events .
24 He claimed that the commander of Silvan Gendarmerie Post proposed to him , with a combination of threats and bribes , that he should assassinate Mehmet Menge , Diyarbakir SHP ( Social Democratic Populiats Party ) Board Member , and that he was given a Kalashnikov rifle and hand grenades .
25 Using the gold frame and choosing either a rectangular or oval shape , you could then use a mid-brown mount with a gold line drawn around the aperture , and choose a plain cream or light beige silk or satin backing with a combination of flowers in various autumnal shades with some darker brown or green leaves , to help show off the flowers to their best advantage .
26 Different treatment regimes including intensive supportive care with a combination of antibiotics , steroids , dimercaprol , and disodium cromoglycate have produced variable success .
27 Train the legs for explosive power with a combination of squats and a high front kick .
28 Constantly moisturising , with a combination of vitamins , sunscreens and conditioners , it does as much for your skin as for the way you look .
29 It arose from a combination of factors .
30 It arises from a combination of factors e.g. dampness and absence of adequate ventilation over a significant period of time .
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