Example sentences of "[prep] a couple of things " in BNC.

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1 Hawkeye may appear to be an amalgam of a couple of things , but in our minds , mine and Daniel 's , he is an Indian .
2 But Greece 's have become a lot worse than most other people 's because of a couple of things those centuries it spent under Ottoman rule did to it .
3 In fact , ’ she sighed , ‘ but for a couple of things , everything would be absolutely perfect . ’
4 I 'd also like some advice about a couple of things .
5 Not about everything , mind , but about a couple of things .
6 That 's what you must do , if you get , if you write a lot about a couple of things they 'll say erm this chap 's knowledge is pretty specialized on this area , you know what , what these er short answer questions are picking up right is your , is your general knowledge .
7 ‘ David had been involved with a couple of things in the past , producing a couple of B-sides when I was in Quiver — we actually used his home studio for demos .
8 With distributed database systems we could continue with a couple of things mentioned earlier on .
9 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
10 Mrs Jelbart must be working out well as a housekeeper , and from a couple of things her father had said , Belinda gathered that she seemed to care about the Jones boys in a more personal way too .
11 And to tie in to a couple of things mentioned earlier on .
12 Right can I ask you to pay attention to a couple of things when you do this diagram .
13 On a couple of things there is a wah-wah pedal but then there 's also a very old flanger that has the sweep controlled by a pedal .
14 That rarity , an album without a filler — admire every aspect as Owens finger-flicks his way through the Stax-happy , gospel croons on a couple of things Sam Cooke would have loved to wrap his larynx around , and opts for the more brooding approach on the let's do crunch of ‘ Why You Treat Me This Way ? ’ — ‘ Blues Soul ’ is remarkable not only for the performance of its outfront star , but also for that of the Pete Wingfield-led back-up squad , which nary places a quaver in the wrong place , along with Mike Vernon 's knowing production .
15 In the first few months when I came out of the Navy I 'd tried my hand at a couple of things , and then my mother phoned me up one day and said there 's this job going at Drogo .
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