Example sentences of "[prep] a long black [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Min 's head was almost level with her shoulders and she smoked with a long black cigaretteholder .
2 She looked even more head-mistressy than usual , a caricature , with a long black gown and a mortarboard that pressed down hard till it flattened the top of her head .
3 One half was clean and pale , and the other stained and dark , with a long black section sharpened at the tip .
4 The woman stirred the onions around a bit with a long black fork and then settled the large frying pan more firmly on top of the blazing logs .
5 A slim fair-haired girl in a long black dress was threading between the ranks of spectators , holding open a bag into which people dropped folded-up pieces of paper .
6 But in this warm and pleasant climate she was dressed in a long black dress which looked as though it had been made at the time of Heathcliff .
7 Although an operation on his upper jaw at Leicester Infirmary in about 1882 had removed most of the bony ‘ trunk ’ protruding from his mouth , his appearance was so repulsive that he could only go outside heavily disguised in a long black cloak , a peaked cap , and a mask .
8 He was a tall , thin man of indeterminate age with hairless grey skin and dressed in a long black robe without ornament save for a small silver fork with twisted tines which hung on a piece of string round his neck , and rested on the black breast of the robe .
9 They came up the steps with a Coptic woman in a long black gown and veil .
10 It was in this room that Princesse Mathilde , a dramatic figure in a long black hostess gown , welcomed them .
11 Mum kept out of sight until he had left , then down the stairs she came , all dressed up in a long black taffeta dress , which rustled when she moved .
12 Meg Dennison was in a long black skirt and a blue patterned silk blouse with a bow at the neck .
13 Outside the front door of 112 , dressed in a long black cassock , black hat , and with black-bible in hand , stood Father O'Malley .
14 Jeff Richer had choreographed the salacious routine , which began with me oozing down a cat-walk in a long black velvet evening coat and sliding it off my shoulders as I turn to camera revealing the lace gown .
15 They were towing a desert manta on a long black line .
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