Example sentences of "[prep] a study of the " in BNC.

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1 For example , this month 's issue of Psychology Today contains the result of a study of the pace of life in 36 American cities .
2 Rachel Storm , author of a study of the New Age movements , adds : ‘ Like many New Age movements , it fails to put newcomers entirely in the picture . ’
3 The left-hand panel of Fig. 3.10 ( p. 92 ) contains an example of a study of the S1-S2 procedure ( by Honey and Hall 1988 ) in which the stimuli 1120 were distinctive flavours .
4 The foundations of modern archaeology were laid down in the 17th century , and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emphasis was put on the recording of archaeological monuments , initially as part of general topographical works , but eventually as part of a study of the monuments themselves .
5 The results will be set in the context of a study of the history of planning theory and urban policy making .
6 The research consists of a study of the technical level of Soviet state standards , and their relevance to the quality levels of Soviet industrial products .
7 There are also more specialised information sources you might need to use : if you want to know about the readership of a particular contemporary magazine or newspaper , for example ( perhaps as part of a study of the relation between ideology and audience ) you could use BRAD ( " British Rate and Data " ) , which lists advertising rates and audited newspaper and magazine circulations .
8 A school prize was offered for a study of the book Belief in God by Bishop Charles Gore .
9 A valuable starting point for a study of the flora of the Outer Hebrides is the paper by Dr. H. R. Fletcher ( 1959 ) entitled ‘ Exploration of the Scottish Flora ’ , in which he discusses plant recording in that group of islands .
10 Despite the recent re-issue of Rewald 's classic monograph , we still lack a true catalogue raisonné , bringing together all the visual and documentary material and engaging with the fundamental issues ; for example , after the sensational exhibition of the Mellon waxes at the National Gallery in Washington in 1991 , there is an even greater need for a study of the relationship of the waxes to the 1,500 or so bronze casts scattered throughout the world ; more understanding of Degas ' techniques and the reproductive processes used by his founder is urgently required ; a consideration of the images themselves , and their place in contemporary sculpture , is conspicuous by its absence ; and , the biggest question of all , the role of these wax figures in the wider oeuvre cries out to be examined .
11 In many respects , Weber provides an alternative source for a study of the rise of abstraction , the attitudes which relate to it , and the institutions it produced .
12 This essay will use the lives and careers of two men , C.L.R.James and Eric Williams , as the basis for a study of the development of a nationalist identity in the British colony of Trinidad and Tobago between the years 1914–1956 .
13 De la Broquière 's book contains much of interest in relation to the appearance , personality and habits of Murad II and to his military forces , but the passage of particular interest for a study of the Muftilik occurs in his description of Murad " s entry into Edirne : " Et alerent au devant de luy [ le Grant Turc ] le grant caliphe qui est entre eulx ainsi que le pape est entre nous , et aussi toutes les notables gens de la ville qui furent en grant nombre .
14 Melcarek and Brown then used it for a study of the effects of chill stress on both prompt and delayed fluorescence .
15 In addition , a research proposal has been submitted to the Leverhulme Trust for a study of the influence of housing tenure on mobility through an investigation of the effects of redundancy on labour market and housing in 3 regions .
16 During a study of the various styles , it became apparent to me that if the back legs are set into the seat rails at an angle , this angle , together with the curvature of the rear legs and backward slope of the chair back can regulate the flair : if the legs are mounted at right angles to the rear seat rail , there would be no flair .
17 However , the geese also fed extensively on grass marsh round Chichester Harbour after 1973/74 , and Campbell ( 1946 ) , during a study of the food of Wigeon and Brent Geese in Britain , recorded animal matter in the stomachs of three Brent from Essex and five from Ulster , out of a total of 28 stomachs examined .
18 Observational and interview data or developmentally salient aspects of Unit life were collected as supplementary data during a study of the development of children in prison Mother and Baby Units .
19 That the improvement of Farriery established as a study of the Anatomy , diseases and cure of cattle , particularly Horses , Cows and Sheep , will be an essential benefit to Agriculture and will greatly improve some of the most important branches of national commerce such as Wool and Leather ’ .
20 Like Merton , Parsons highlights the sociology of science as a study of the cultural threats to the maintenance of objectivity and impartiality in scientific practice .
21 Plant ecology developed not as a study of the factors affecting the lives and deaths of individual plants and their parts but as a study of the distribution of vegetation types and of particular species .
22 Plant ecology developed not as a study of the factors affecting the lives and deaths of individual plants and their parts but as a study of the distribution of vegetation types and of particular species .
23 Many reviewers have seen this as a study of the author 's times , as an amusing documentary record of literary and bohemian life in London from the 1920s to the 1960s , and so it is .
24 It would be simplistic to interpret ‘ TransForm ’ as a study of the overlapping and interconnection of painting and sculpture in the twentieth century ; it would be more exact to say that avant-garde movements abandoned the concept of ‘ a painting ’ or ‘ a sculpture ’ as such .
25 In terms of the sociology of culture , this area can now be theoretically redefined as a study of the situations and conditions of practices ( see Chapter 4 ) .
26 The fieldworker presented the research quite accurately as a study of the neighbourhood , including its language , without singling out language for particular comment .
27 The marginalisation of girls in mathematics is an exemplar of many parallel trends and I believe that the way forward here , as in others , is through a study of the dynamic processes involved .
28 This research is intended to explore these matters through a study of the enforcement machinery of a county court and an examination of social and economic consequences of this machinery for creditors and debtors involved with it .
29 The course is designed to stimulate an interest in History through a study of the recent past in a variety of contexts .
30 When documentary sources exist but are not fully informative , however , we can sometimes supplement them with a study of the coins .
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