Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun prp] states [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His brother , Mohammed Ali Hamadei , had been sentenced to life imprisonment in Germany in May 1989 for his role in the hijacking of a United States Trans World Airlines aircraft in 1985 [ see p. 36666 ] .
2 Massive speculation immediately arose over his death , particularly in the light of recent allegations that Maxwell and a senior Daily Mirror journalist , Nick Davies , had both had involvement with the Israeli secret intelligence service Mossad ; Davies had been dismissed on Oct. 29 on the grounds that he had lied in relation to a meeting which he was said to have had in 1985 with a United States arms dealer .
3 They were a young primary school teacher from Awlad Shaikh who appeared in the Magharba list and a professor of economics from Benghazi University with a United States doctorate , who unfortunately was unable to be present himself , but was supported by the Zuwaya .
4 Many countries , mainly those in the civil law tradition , have made this declaration , including Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Egypt , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Norway , Portugal , Seychelles and Turkey ( but not Italy ) ; accordingly an attempt to serve process via a United States Vice-Consul in the German Federal Republic has been held to be ineffective and the Netherlands Ministry of External Affairs was held to have acted properly when it refused to accept a document intended for service via the diplomatic channel on a defendant in France .
5 Each company in the 1980S engaged in a lengthy series of company purchases and sales ; each company made one especially large purchase from a United States giant .
6 The court held that the Convention did not ‘ supplant the application of the discovery provisions of the Federal Rules over foreign , Hague Convention State nationals , subject to in personam jurisdiction in a United States court ’ , and adopted most of the arguments deployed by earlier courts which had taken this view .
7 It held that the Convention was permissive , not mandatory , and noted that the provisions of the Convention did not guarantee the full range of discovery available in a United States court .
8 King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV finally acknowledged in an interview with New Zealand television in March , in which he claimed that Pohive and other dissidents were Marxists who wished to overthrow the royal style of government , that the money was being held in a United States bank so that the government would not spend it .
9 In appropriate cases , service on a United States parent may be held under the doctrine to be service on the foreign subsidiary .
10 The passing of the resolution , based on a United States draft , followed a week of intensive lobbying by the Bush administration .
11 By no interpretation of the law — English or American — was William Joyce born anything but a United States citizen .
12 The film , about the effect of war on young men at a United States Air Force base in Cambridgeshire during the Second World War , demanded that Crawford learn to speak with an American accent — in twenty-four hours .
13 Two guerrilla attacks carried out in La Paz , the capital , on Oct. 10 and early on Oct. 11 resulted respectively in an explosion at a United States Marines residence and the destruction of a monument to United States President John F. Kennedy .
14 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
15 It is perhaps significant that the first reported comment by a United States court on the Convention concerned this very area .
16 The final sessions of the talks were attended by a United States delegation .
17 After the withdrawal of the ground forces of the " Provide Comfort " operation [ see pp. 38357 ; 38450-51 ] the remaining forces , described in some reports as a 48-warplane deterrent force ( backed up by a United States aircraft carrier in the eastern Mediterranean ) were deployed at joint Turkish-United States air bases at Incirlik and Pirinclick .
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