Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] of months " in BNC.

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1 Easing American monetary policy now would affect the economy only after a delay of months .
2 It gave her great satisfaction that after a couple of months she proved as expert as Ferdinando , learning rapidly how to drive a hard bargain .
3 Our two testers found Ketsugo cleared their spots after a couple of months ' use .
4 These fish tend to settle in well , feeding on daphnia , bloodworm , flake and lettuce , but after a couple of months they go off their food , become very thin and white along the bottom , swim on their heads and eventually die .
5 mean , presumably it 's quite easy for the first two or three weeks , it 's after , after a couple of months that er life gets more difficult .
6 After a couple of months , the notes dwindled .
7 With the main outage completed and the holiday season pressure easing , TOP Team activity is gathering momentum at Torness after a couple of months in the doldrums , writes Executive Support Manager Mervyn Jenkins .
8 However , if you go back to a lengthy program after a couple of months you will find it very difficult to understand if you have not included any REMs .
9 I became very proud of my wounds as the pain grew less , and I enjoyed flashing the bandage around to gain sympathy , until one night , after a couple of months , the nail fell off without warning .
10 It 's impossible to see these spines growing , but easy to record their growth with a series of photographs taken from the same place over the course of a couple of months .
11 In each case a small working party met within SHHD over a period of a number of months .
12 ‘ Look , I 've been bounced around like a rubber ball between you people for a couple of months now .
13 ‘ Oh , incidentally Mark , I understand they want to use your office and mine for a couple of visiting Americans on assignment over here for a couple of months .
14 We were on the loose in France for a couple of months .
15 Because New York in the summer was too hot even for the natives , shows would close for a couple of months when the Girls would be sent home for a holiday on half pay , which was better than the average salary in Britain .
16 With all the RAF stations in England for him to be sent to , he had actually been sent to Bourn and was there for a couple of months .
17 The Ox has been around for a couple of months , but the new host of the Tips Clinic is Dr Butcher .
18 I suggested that it might be worth using a barrier method of contraception , such as the cap or the sheath , for a couple of months before trying for a baby .
19 After this year , however , Gary became really confused for a couple of months and began to doubt his call in the first place .
20 ‘ I went back for a couple of months this summer for the first time in four years .
21 In the end , like , I just did n't come back here for a couple of months .
22 The Shakespeare School of English had switched off its neon light for a couple of months , and Oliver was at a loose end .
23 All those years ago after we 'd been friends for a couple of months or so ( and he 'd borrowed quite a bit more money off me ) , I confessed to him that I was being persecuted by a thug called Dudley .
24 But Phil will never miss his football , not even if he has to lie low for a couple of months .
25 Erm I have n't been bothered with it for a couple of months now Doctor , and
26 They 'd hire them for a couple of months and then if they worked out they 'd keep them on , paying them a pittance , and if they did n't , they 'd say ‘ sorry ’ and the guy would go away .
27 The treatment was also rather unpleasant — antimony injections , every two days for a couple of months . ’
28 And they 're coming I do n't think I 'm taking for a couple of months , and then I take them every fortnight .
29 But first you 're in for a couple of months in Florida .
30 I think they are a waste of money because the baby 's only in one for a couple of months .
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