Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] as oppose " in BNC.

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1 1ff ) and for the sin or guilt-offering of a commoner as opposed to that of a priest or ruler ( Lev .
2 The differentiating characteristic of a coin as opposed to a piece of bullion is that it is issued with a recognised value by a competent authority .
3 Yet the striking developments of the law of trusts depend on much more than this : they are an integral part of the conception of a trust as opposed to a legacy .
4 A close study of the textual variants of this poem makes one wonder how much value Wordsworth really put on the words of a poem as opposed to its message ( see THE CONTROVERSY OVER POETIC DICTION below ) .
5 Erm , I think that the things that are important about this form in that it asks you to define the purpose of a meeting as opposed to or as distinct from the agenda .
6 Indeed , ‘ sovereignty ’ in this sense , is rare , as a quality of one of the institutions of a constitution as opposed to the constitution itself .
7 The idea that a combination of different people working together can achieve synergy is central to the concept of a team as opposed to a mere group .
8 Here are data contrasting behavioural data for a group as opposed to a team .
9 But I mean the style of it is obviously jacketed person , blousey , cos it 's collar and she 's got three buttons at the front and it 's fitted as a jacket as opposed to a tuck in a blouse .
10 You know I mean you er er it 's al I , I think the same would happen if you put a five note in inside it would get thrown out with the rubbish but erm the thing is that obviously some , some early day , if one can say in inverted commas early day publicity erm from the Northumberland side of things could a and I mean my view when , when Ros was telling me what happened at the last meeting erm was that was gon na be acting as an icebreaker as opposed waiting till the last minute somebody 's gon na and they think erm as it were , a and build up from , from that because there 's obviously gon na be one or two other things coming directly from national level .
11 Here , productive base includes some aspects of services , if they have traditionally been part of the reason for an area as opposed to a consequence of the accumulation of population in some area with a pre-existing rationale .
12 A disadvantage , from the policeman 's perspective , is that the offence must take place in a public as opposed to a private place .
13 Of course , by ‘ nation ’ Rousseau meant no more than the people in a locality as opposed to what the word came to mean , the inhabitants of an established State .
14 Er , looking through the officer workload ratios in paragraph four , it shows that using what are in honesty fairly crude Home Office measures , we 're really quite well to the national average , that we carry out approximately four hundred and thirty three inspections per officer in a year as opposed to the expected four hundred and eighty two .
15 I do n't mean today I mean if she 's going in to London or something you know she 's got a base in London to do something in the morning before she goes on a call as opposed to some of them who have n't got a proper office space
16 Leicestershire is the only county to account for its distributions from the TCCB on a cash as opposed to an accruals basis .
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