Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [vb past] happen to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You mean that even after what had happened to you , you never questioned your faith ? ’
2 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
3 The conversation was wide-ranging , but gradually I told her the full story of what had happened to me over the previous year or so .
4 In the build up to her first ever world tour , the now seasoned campaigner decided it was time to kill the cutesy girl-next-door and reflect the reality of what had happened to her over the previous two years .
5 He had plenty of tales of what had happened to others , though ; the most gruesome being a double-headed story about an American tourist who had refused to pay a taxi driver 's extortionate rates .
6 The third stage back to health would need to be an attempt to make sense of what had happened to me and why .
7 When we left Baghdad , there was no further news of what had happened to those on board , except that the ship had been forced to unload its cargo in the port of Kabbous , Oman .
8 Lord Hunt , at the time a young official in the Dominions Office , offered a similar interpretation in his 1983 survey of what had happened to Cabinet government since Lloyd George and Hankey invented it in its modern form .
9 Prepared as they were , the reality of what had happened to Famagusta struck silence from them all .
10 The authorities would think you 'd finally cracked under the pressure of what had happened to your family .
11 I was crying because of what had happened to both of us , which was so sad and pitiful .
12 As they ran , mentally counting down the seconds , both Benny and Ace 's thoughts were of what had happened to the Doctor .
13 Hugging his torso with one hand , his other gloved hand was braced on the floor in the knowledge of what had happened to Frye .
14 She wanted to make sense of what had happened to her , why her mother had n't wanted her .
15 And , because of what had happened to his father , honesty and integrity were of far greater importance to him than to many businessmen she had worked for .
16 All the months which Sally-Anne Tunstall had spent trying to erase the memory of what had happened to her , her refusal to remember any part of it , were as nothing .
17 Some gentle lovemaking on this first occasion to prove to her that she was not repulsive to him because of what had happened to her , and that all men were not brutes , was in order .
18 Almost as steadily he told Maxim of what had happened to Miss Tuckey .
19 After a while the pain of what had happened to her went away .
20 In addition to the memory of what had happened to the established Church during the 1640s and 1650s , the repeated reports of Nonconformist plots ( both alleged and real ) against the government in Church and State from the 1660s onwards encouraged a belief in the need for constant vigilance against a subversive Nonconformist threat .
21 But while Francis and Mary fussed about the situation in Edinburgh , setting up an enquiry into what had happened to the burgh council , in February 1560 the Protestant lords did something ideologically much less courageous than their deposition of the regent , but in practical terms infinitely more crucial : they made the Treaty of Berwick with England , and were assured of English help .
22 They were not too concerned with what had happened to a couple of whores in Paris over ten years ago , or even the other matter .
23 At the time of writing I was too taken up with the present to make any but the vaguest connection with what had happened to me in the past .
24 John McCarthy , Terry Waite , Jackie Mann and spent time in a special unit where Dr Turnbull helped them come to terms with what had happened to them .
25 She was amazed at how quickly Carla seemed to get over what had happened to her .
26 He spent most of his time searching through magazines , picture books and newspapers , hoping to find some clue as to what had happened to his mother and father .
27 This was one of the few liberties taken by the film 's editors , as no B–17 quite arrived that way on December 7 , but the shot was clearly too good not to include and it approximated to what had happened to a number of the actual B–17s which stumbled into the attack .
28 Of course , she could appreciate his fear of adverse publicity — she understood that only too well , thanks to what had happened to her father — but to employ such cold detachment in overcoming the problem it could cause was way beyond her understanding .
29 The Levi who emerged from a regime of cruelty and humiliation with his judgement intact , his mind not closed , neither vengeful nor forgetful , and who wrote a noble and rational book about what had happened to him , is mentioned only cursorily and as if concessively by Fernanda Eberstadt .
30 Walking to the station , past the brightly-lit boutiques , cinemas , remainder bookshops and tatty souvenir stalls , all decorated for Christmas and building up to the January sales , she found herself having to think about what had happened to her .
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