Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [be] involved in " in BNC.

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1 Further investment was made during the year with the acquisition of 47% of Houston-based ERC Industries Inc. which is involved in the remanufacture and repair of valves and wellhead equipment .
2 write to your highstreet bank , most of which are involved in lending large sums to developing countries , and ask them to reconsider their debt-collecting policies
3 Much of the area around Nailsworth was once heavily dependent on its mills , many of which were involved in the cloth trade .
4 The second outcome is that all children would be aware of what 's involved in the record of achievement .
5 Although perusal of Appendix B will reveal much of what is involved in environmental scanning in practice , it is as well here to place the activity within the broader process often known as ‘ environmental analysis ’ .
6 However , learning to cope is only a fraction of what is involved in learning from experience .
7 Some may prefer to be given a global picture of what is involved in the task and then be allowed to fill in the details as they need them .
8 Methodologically , it can provide precept and example of what is involved in critical enquiry , of how intuition can be subjected to conceptual and empirical evaluation .
9 But an awareness of what is involved in the purchase deed ( called a conveyance where laud is unregistered , and a ‘ transfer ’ if it is registered ) can be very helpful .
10 While much maligned — some might think justifiably — as trivialising what real-life creativity is about , the use of such procedures has in fact helped , to some extent , to clarify our understanding of what is involved in original thinking .
11 That stage is part of what is involved in social care planning .
12 Over and above the skills required to develop effective joint problem-solving groups , however , trainee consultants also need to become aware of what is involved in setting them up .
13 This is because classically they have a well-defined location at a particular instant whose specification is part of what is involved in saying that they are in the same state of motion .
14 However , while every effort will be made to found arguments on intuitively clear cases of semantic deviance , it is only prudent to have some notion of what is involved in distinguishing this from syntactic deviance .
15 This is not to say that the right and left are necessarily the same , but rather that they converge at key points and share an understanding of what is involved in the politics of ‘ race ’ .
16 McDonell provided a useful analysis of what is involved in addition , deletion or modification of records , so far as the maintenance and use of associative key lists is concerned ; he defined an associative key list as ‘ a list for each indexed key which joins together all the main file records containing that key ’ .
17 A good example of what is involved in such studies is provided by a critical review of theories concerning Latin American political development ( Graciarena and Franco , 1978 ) , in which the authors note the central importance of the conception of the ‘ developmentalist ’ state in its various forms , and the insistence by many social scientists in recent years upon the need to study the course of history with the aid of categories which are ‘ historically relevant ’ to Latin America .
18 The aim is to achieve a sharper understanding of what is involved in logical ability .
19 Performance Practice A general course towards an understanding of what is involved in the performance of music primarily in the period c.1550–1800 ; notational problems , contemporary theory , organological questions , personal interpretations .
20 Because it is not studied at school , many entrants are unsure of what is involved in an LLB degree .
21 There are at least two other central issues that must be discussed before we can obtain a clearer insight into what is involved in regarding something as an ontological existent .
22 Often this is because the original advisers are not familiar enough with what is involved in proving a case , and may even have the naive belief that the inherent ‘ sense ’ of their development proposal will somehow be apparent to all .
23 The question as to what is involved in the marriage relationship deserves a study in itself .
24 It is not , however , for me to judge the issue here , but only to point to what is involved in such a judgment .
25 It is then not so much the distinction between names and descriptions as the distinction between the function of naming and the function of describing that gives some indication as to what is involved in positing something as an ontological existent .
26 Bill remarks that the criteria have helped him to be clearer about what is involved in being a good supervisor .
27 Identifying the elements in the topic framework at any point in the discourse allows the analyst to make claims about what is involved in ‘ speaking topically ’ .
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