Example sentences of "[prep] [det] other as they " in BNC.

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1 In this test the sample is subjected to a periodic load ( or displacement ) , and a complex modulus is found which , for linear viscoelasticity , relates the stress — to the strain , these no longer being in phase with each other as they are for elastic materials .
2 A central computer tells them where to go , calculating the shortest routes and making sure they do n't crash into each other as they beetle along at a brisk 5 to 6 kilometres per hour .
3 They are caused by the giant plates which carry the continents bumping and grinding into each other as they float around the Earth 's molten centre .
4 Furthermore , women are not as isolated from each other as they are in the world of the 1980s .
5 These parts of international law , distinct from each other as they are , all overlap at one point or another and can not be considered entirely in isolation .
6 The UGC Earth Science Review found that many research students learn as much from each other as they do from the academic staff .
7 The androids seemed more incompetent than ever , almost falling over each other as they herded the prisoners through kilometers of intricately decorated passages .
8 On the one hand , it was simply the period required for the sun , moon , and planets to attain the same positions in relation to each other as they had at a given time .
9 Instead of sitting lost in their own thoughts or sleeping , the patients had been stimulated and they now chatted to each other as they recalled the places , the people or the events of the past .
10 When the Japanese counter-attacked on other occasions they made a great hullabaloo , often shouting to each other as they came forward .
11 Once on the needles , the two pieces of knitting ca n't ‘ creep ’ in relation to each other as they can when sewing by hand or machine , so your horizontal bands will match exactly .
12 The bride , in a white wedding gown , and the groom , in a tuxedo , clung tightly to each other as they took the terrifying plunge .
13 Howard and Felicity move slowly about with their champagne , like everybody else , trying to look as if they are heading somewhere purposeful , and quietly making little humorous comments on the proceedings to each other as they go .
14 Soon they were calling and shouting to each other as they moved off into the forest .
15 A taxi driver told Gloucester Crown Court that he saw two drivers laughing at each other as they roared past him nose-to-tail just before the crash .
16 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
17 They did not look at each other as they spoke , and when Damian moved away from her he avoided her eyes .
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