Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and later [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Hugh Dalton , MP for Peckham and later to become Attlee 's first Chancellor , had already been chosen to succeed Ben Spoor said to be an alcoholic in the Co Durham constituency .
2 The tradition of first playing for England and later becoming RFU president was continued by yet another pilot .
3 In May 1612 he matriculated at the Academy of Geneva and later attended the Calvinist Academy of Saumur .
4 Out of chaos emerged a self-created god , Atum , who was all or nothing , who was the original sun god of Heliopolis and later deemed to be the creative aspect of Re .
5 My detachment was not allowed to last , I was soon chatting to the ex-Lady Mayor of Portsmouth and later made friends with the Commanding Officer of one of the Army supply boats stationed on Benbecula with whom I was able to swap experiences in the Outer Hebrides .
6 This festival was linked in the East with the birth of Mithras and later taken over by the Christians by conveniently moving the birthday of Christ to this date .
7 Graham Evans , of Blundellsands , was an apprentice who worked on the Spirit of Merseyside and later served aboard as bosun .
8 Almost a hundred years later , the great American dramatist Thornton Wilder turned it into The Merchant of Yonkers and later revised it , changing the name to The Matchmaker .
9 To avoid family disgrace , his sister 's husband , then HRH the Duke of York and later to become King George V , agreed to help pay his debts , and Frank was packed off to India .
10 It seems reasonable to assume that Oswiu certainly brought into subjection to himself the Pictish kingdom of Fortriu ( between the Forth and the Tay ) , for Bridei , the son of Bili , king of Strathclyde , and Ecgfrith 's cousin ( HB ch. 57 ) , who became king of the Picts on the expulsion of Drest and later fought against Ecgfrith , is described specifically in the Irish annals as ‘ king of Fortriu ’ at his death in 692 ( AU s.a .
11 According to different versions , Count Helldorf , Police President of Berlin and later implicated in the July plot of 1944 against Hitler , Julius Streicher , Alfred Rosenberg , Adolf Wagner , and the ‘ blood and soil ’ guru of Nazi agricultural policy Walther Darré , had been arrested for complicity in Hess 's ‘ treason ’ , and some of them already shot .
12 Lucinda Craig Harvey , who shared a house in London with Sarah and later employed Diana as a cleaner for 1 an hour , first met her prospective charlady during a cricket match at Althorp .
13 Needham , who had attended the School under Coombes and later graduated from St. John 's College , Cambridge in 1674 , brought with him from Stockport a petition of 42 names ( including the Mayor ) , and was duly appointed .
14 After service in the Royal Army Medical Corps , Dr Burkitt worked in Uganda and later joined the Medical Research Council and became involved in cancer research .
15 In October 1987 the army clashed with an armed group in Gaza and later arrested over fifty Islamic Jihad suspects and uncovered a large arms cache .
16 Mark had been educated in England and later decided to live there , and it had been because of him that Harriet had first decided to come to London , though nowadays she saw little of him .
17 She had been one of the founder members of the Institutional Management Association in Yorkshire and later involved herself additionally in the Hotel & Catering Institute and always kept in contact with the professional association throughout her career .
18 United owed much to goalkeeper Rees , who had earlier saved superbly from Holden and later denied Adams , first with a block with his feet then by kicking over a dipping effort from the right .
19 His widow and children returned to England and later emigrated to Australia where one of the daughters , Maria Louisa , made a good marriage .
20 He was joined on most of his hunting expeditions by two Aborigines , Natty and Jemmy , ‘ two intelligent and faithful natives of the Yarrundi tribe ’ , who became extremely attached to Gould and later accompanied him on his most ambitious and successful expedition to the Mokai and Namoi Rivers in December of that year .
21 Hocevar expressed gratitude for the British action in preventing Croats entering Austria , and stated that it was Yugoslav policy that " Croats should be bottled up in the pass leading to Austria and later disarmed " .
22 Police have issued a poison alert after aircraft equipment coated with cadmium was taken in a van stolen from Hartlepool on Wednesday and later found burnt out on Thornley Industrial Estate , Shotton Colliery .
23 The first passenger packet boats operated from Warrington to Manchester and later became part of a through route from Liverpool to Manchester via Runcorn .
24 He tried to live an ordinary life , working as a bus driver , and accounts clerk at Harrods and later studying for a zoology degree , but nothing made him content .
25 About ten members toured the reed bed scheme at Billingham and later had discussions about local environmental improvement programmes .
26 By May 1968 this resilient Black was on the gate at Yeovilton and later taken into the FAAM 's fold .
27 It is from Zakarpatská Ukrajina , the Czech Ukraine or sub-Carpathian Ruthenia , first annexed by Hungary and later taken by the Soviet Union and never given back at the end of the war in 1945 .
28 She was previously editorial director of SPCK , where she was responsible for commissioning a number of innovative and controversial books , including Daring to Speak Love 's Name , which was dropped by SPCK and later published by Hamish Hamilton .
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