Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [adv] strong " in BNC.

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1 His memories of Sarah were as strong as ever , but he thought of her with mixed emotions .
2 Lyons of Australia was particularly strong , Mackenzie King and Hertzog of South Africa a shade less so .
3 For example : it can be said at once — and briefly — that the probability that she was massively involved in the murder of Darnley is very strong .
4 And I 'm just being hysterical , I suppose , because I 've had too many of John 's terribly strong G and Ts and it 'll all look different in the morning and I 'll come to you and say sorry and was n't I being a silly girl last night , and you can pat me on the head and say yes , was n't I ?
5 But , as the king found , he could not rely upon the Flemings ; their links with England were too strong for them to act with determination against those who supplied them with the wool upon which their own economic prosperity depended .
6 Though church attendance in Scotland is remarkably strong , there has been a steady stream of closures ever since the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church came together again in 1929 .
7 Derek Hegarty says it 's been tougher than they expected because the winds up in Scotland were very strong and after a few days they had troubles with their knees but they 've managed to keep going …
8 He explained that he was interested in SCO being as strong as possible for the mutual fight against Microsoft .
9 Sadourny emerged as a remarkably confident player , but the challenge from Ougier is very strong .
10 Standard English is also a social dialect : its use is a marker of social group membership , and the relationship between standard and non-standard dialects and social class in Britain is particularly strong .
11 His interest in what was going on in America was always strong .
12 Talented Hughes and ex-North Wales county team member Preston from Prestatyn were too strong for professional coach Arwyn Pierce of Ruthin and his young partner Danielle Morris Jones of Rhyl , running out straight set winners at a cost of six games .
13 literary titles in June are very strong , for besides the two in High-flyers there are the following , listed in no particular order :
14 He glanced across at her : she had stopped playing and was watching them , and the resemblance of her to Martha was so strong that all the old bitterness and resentment flooded suddenly back .
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