Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] at the royal " in BNC.

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1 That will lead to an increase in the number of operations at the Royal .
2 deputy director of operations at the Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew , came to Rennie House Conference Centre on April 5 .
3 Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the original minutes of the Construction Committee who built the hospital should contact the Office of Archives at the Royal .
4 In France at the end of the eighteenth century , there had been a science of ‘ experimental physics ’ ; Thomas Young also spoke of ‘ physics ’ in a famous course of lectures at the Royal Institution published in 1807 , but his physics included animal and vegetable life , and excluded optics and mechanics .
5 At the other extreme you could set up giant screens to show large images of the speaker as we do in larger conferences such as the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall .
6 Professor J. P. Payne of the Department of Anaesthetics at the Royal College of Surgeons insists that a research nurse should always be present when tests are carried out on a patient .
7 Praetextatus of Rouen was tried at Paris in 577 , and Gregory himself at a gathering of bishops at the royal palace of Berny-Rivière in 580 : both these last trials were held under the aegis of Chilperic I. A year later the flight of Mummolus was discussed at Lyons .
8 The genesis of the Concorde project was a meeting of boffins at the Royal Aircraft Establishment , Farnborough , in February 1954 , when Macmillan was still engaged in building his 300,000 houses a year .
9 The old King was now hurrying south and with him would come those grizzled warlords who followed like mastiffs at the royal heels .
10 THE CRANBERRIES precede the New Year release of their ‘ Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Ca n't We ’ LP with shows at The Royal Albert Hall supporting The House Of Love on November 20 , and alongside Drop Nineteens at Reading
11 But even before the Challenger was home , her voyage was being described and discussed in Discourses at the Royal Institution .
12 Producer Michael White saw her in Monotones at the Royal Opera House and signed her as the haunting governess in the Julian Sands-Patsy Kensit film , Turn Of The Screw .
13 Over the past five years , the Department of Health has spent £13m on projects at the Royal hospitals complex .
14 Nonetheless , there have latterly been some notable donations from individuals in Britain : like the Sainsbury brothers ' new wing for the National Gallery and the Clore Foundation 's for the Tate ; Terence Conran 's £7m for the establishment of the Design Museum in Docklands , and Paul Hamlyn 's cheap weeks for children at the Royal Opera House .
15 Then she started to earn her living by designing and sculpting many items of distinction and merit , earning gold medals at exhibitions at the Royal Academy , Manchester Art Gallery and Liverpool 's Walker Art Gallery .
16 Most cases were notified by consultants at the Royal Berkshire District Hospital , the Basingstoke District Hospital , and hospitals in the surrounding districts .
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