Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] who [verb] had " in BNC.

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1 Rap-stations are also being drilled at Cheddar , so those of you who 've had your appetite whetted by Pat Littlejohn 's excellent new South-West Climbs and want to sample the delights of the Ginsberg Wall will have even more reason to visit this excellent , albeit usually freezing , venue .
2 They would be from Canada , from her sister Louise who would suggest that she might put up various old acquaintances passing through London , or find a suitable family for a darling Austrian boy , not so very much older than Martha , whose father was a kind of Count , but was also in the import-export business , or try to recall a splendid person , the friend of a friend of hers who had had a very , very sad story .
3 Those of us who 've had a bellyful of over-processed , bland , convenience foods , cardboard crispbreads and diet spreads have much cause to thank Ms Sheila Ferguson , ex-Three Degrees singer and author of a new book , Soul Food .
4 Those of us who have had reason to spend even a short time in a hospital will appreciate how much they look forward to the day that they can return home , even though their period spent in the hospital may have been made as pleasant as possible by exemplary care .
5 The only side effects worth considering are the consequences for the rest of society , in particular those of us who have had our cars or homes broken into , or have had our hard-earned leisure time wrecked by noise , rubbish and other anti-social behaviour such as illegal ‘ festivals ’ and acid parties .
6 Even those of us who have had a sneaking sympathy for Marina 's parents find their inability to accept their grandchild hard to comprehend .
7 Competition is what keeps industry moving , and indeed those of us who have had the experience know that almost the most difficult industrial task is to run a near monopoly .
8 Do these changes mean ( since all of us who have had the privilege of working with Indians know the tremendous intellectual power of that nation ) that India will begin to play the role in the world which many of us have expected and foreseen ?
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