Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] yesterday " in BNC.

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1 PARISHIONERS arriving for early morning service yesterday found their church on fire .
2 BREAD made from spelt , a type of grain first grown in the late Stone Age , is poised to become a new ‘ health-food ’ , a miller of organic flour forecast yesterday .
3 She ‘ let her mask of moderate respectability slip yesterday ’ , it says .
4 ONLY two hours before entering the operating theatre of a Manchester hospital for major heart surgery yesterday , an indefatigable Graeme Souness was on the telephone to his temporary replacement as Liverpool manager , Ronnie Moran .
5 Mr Klein said he agreed with initial City reaction yesterday that the onus was on Owners Abroad to perform .
6 Lavender Patten gives a cuddle to runaway terrier Soda yesterday .
7 John Major and President Clinton discussed Russia 's economic plight during lengthy telephone call yesterday .
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