Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sir : The suggestion of Mr Varcoe-Cocks ( letter , 5 October ) that if I win damages for libel and give them to charity I ‘ can not be said to have been compensated in any way ’ is extraordinary .
2 We can only pass an Act of Parliament and give it to them with a slap on the back and a ‘ best of British luck ’ : ‘ Here 's your constitution , ’ we say , ‘ now do what you like with it ; you can because you are now independent . ’
3 Moreover , Noorda must finally set up a line of succession and give us some indication of how Novell ( and Unix ) will function when he bows out .
4 He referred to plans to develop social programmes and infrastructure projects as a ‘ vision that I hope will sustain Hong Kong during the present period of uncertainty and give us all confidence in our ability to overcome whatever problems confront us ’ .
5 ‘ You ca n't rely on a human being to cure you of evil and give you peace .
6 So you write this on a piece of paper and give it to your daughter or son .
7 If you have not time to bake the cakes you must scent a piece of gingerbread and give him that , and it will answer the same purpose . ’
8 We shall treat them as a special type of word and give them the following rule : when a pair of prefix-plus-stem words exists , both members of which are spelt identically , one of which is a verb and the other is either a noun or an adjective , the stress will be placed on the second syllable of the verb but on the first syllable of the noun or adjective .
9 And if she wants to do her own bit of typing and give it to someone else sh
10 You really can not tell me too much — I would rather sift through a huge amount of detail and give you a definite answer than have to suggest all the possible alternatives and leave you to figure out which applies in your case .
11 They amplify the sound of speech and give it ‘ body ’ .
12 Something of the atmosphere in Roxie Farmer 's house seemed to go home with Coffin and give him a restless night .
13 It should hold us in suspense and give us a sense of waiting and expectation for the more important message which is to follow .
14 A 12-strong party of homeless men , who currently reside at the Fleetwood Hostel in Lancashire , were offered the chance to visit Sellafield to stimulate their interest in industry and give them a day out to remember .
15 I mean , he he he took two steps dug his foot in ground and give him one of them !
16 But it 's er had it we took round to that fella round Dash Hill there well Alec took it and er he said I 'll ring you up in morning and give you an estimate .
17 It enables you to use and rest areas in turn and give you a smaller area to keep clean — picking up droppings is essential all the year round .
18 In the former areas the chief executive is sustained in his perennial struggle for mastery with congress by his claim to represent the nation as a whole and by the provisions of the Constitution that designate him as Commander in Chief and give him special responsibilities in international relations .
19 ‘ Then phone up from reception and give me time to comb my hair and hide my pyjamas . ’
20 So I , I asked Mrs to but would she write to Miss and give her all the details .
21 then mum said are n't you gon na say hello to mummy and give her a kiss , so she went ugh , and every time we asked her anything she kept going what have you lost ?
22 People see you on TV and give you a " celebrity " status that is as crazy as it is flattering .
23 ‘ He asked some girls to go up on stage and give him a kiss , and just for a joke I did .
24 Thousands of students , particularly from Beijing , were sent to undertake ‘ social practice ’ during the summer vacation in the hope that contact With ‘ real life ’ would bring them down to earth and give them a more realistic assessment of society .
25 It 's only good manners to make your guests feel at home and give them a go now and again , but Swindon were a little too kind just before half-time .
26 It was agreed that sister would ask the district nurse to visit him to assess his mobility at home and give him help initially to bath .
27 Then he 's got to go home at lunchtime and give her some food .
28 Oh yes er when I was at home as a wee boy everybody milked by hand and give their calves the milk then to drink .
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