Example sentences of "[noun sg] added to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The prolific striker added to a succession of first-half near-misses with another spectacular shot on the turn which just went over the Ipswich bar .
2 Ultimately , their efforts brought those ‘ Peace People ’ the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1977 , but controversy over that award added to the movement 's inability to sustain its momentum and it faded from the newspaper front pages .
3 British Aerospace added to the speculation by refusing officially to confirm or deny the story .
4 Pre-implantation development can proceed in vitro in culture ( Chapter 2 ) and the arrestant added to the medium at the stage of development required .
5 The milk added to the cereal is probably ordinary full-fat silver top milk .
6 She used to say that Christmas Eve was her favourite day of the year , and her enthusiasm added to the delight of anticipation .
7 I have little doubt that the alteration was the composer 's own — particularly since the trill added to the piano part in the answering phrase ( it has no parallel in the violin part of the Septet ) serves to give variety to the ‘ echo ’ , as a substitute for the change from major to minor .
8 The greys and browns are produced by varying the proportions of silver added to the copper , often with traces of gold and arsenic .
9 The greenish hue added to the mystery , making Titron look like a ghost ship .
10 The important factor for the vigneron in deciding the spread of his vines is that the ‘ sum of spread ’ , that is , the distance between each vine added to the distance between each row , does not exceed 2.5 metres , thus the minimum number of vines planted per hectare is 6,666 .
11 A dimension added to the APU framework for the purpose of this project was that of " Level " ; one of the principal aims of the research being to determine features of tasks which are associated with levels of difficulty .
12 The young man , whose name was Merbury , was eager and inexperienced , and took it for granted , as an honest man well might , that his story of complete and shattering victory , of the capture of so many of the active nobility of Scotland , and of a bright lustre added to the name of Percy and of England could not fail to be pleasing to his sovereign .
13 The resulting trade deficit and shortage of incoming foreign exchange added to the country 's balance-of-payments problem .
14 The salt box , the griddle , the fire of turf — or of coal ( at £1 a ton ) brought in heavy lighters by canal and river from Newry and Warrenpoint — the settle-bed , oil-lamps and candles meant an inside round of household work added to the labour of garden , byre and field , all relieved by the excitement of weddings and wakes .
15 If the record holder does not agree that an item is inaccurate , the parent is entitled to have a note of his disagreement added to the record .
16 Another trouble was that , once the catalyst or hardener had hen added to the glue , setting began , so that the safe working life of the liquid glue was a matter of minutes .
17 Any service charge added to a bill is subject to VAT .
18 The summit anchor added to the wonderment : a sling around a statue of the Virgin , complete with a bouquet !
19 The outcome added to the atmosphere of crisis and confusion heightened by an extraordinary speech by the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh-Pemberton , who admitted he had no idea about the real state of Britain 's battered economy .
20 The outcome added to the atmosphere of crisis and confusion heightened by an extraordinary speech by the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh-Pemberton , who admitted he had no idea about the real state of Britain 's battered economy .
21 The arrangements to achieve this aim added to the complexity of the scheme and hence to the administrative costs ( Travers 1989b:13 ) .
22 In this enquiry , the teacher added to the information available ; became aware of the different possibilities of viewdata ; learned how to exploit viewdata ; and provided the class with an interesting and lively activity .
23 ‘ Unlike magnetic poles attract each other ’ , ‘ An acid added to a base yields a salt plus water ’ and similar laws can easily be construed as falsifiable .
24 And the absence of systematic programmes to teach basic literacy added to the impression that the prison was regarded in reality as little more than a ‘ warehouse ’ for inmates , not a vehicle for their improvement .
25 Similarly , we now find that the sum of variable capital advanced in production plus the variable capital accumulated from surplus-value added to the sum of unproductive consumption ( uc ) is equal to the product of Dept .
26 Rain entering the soil disturbs the equilibrium in the same way as water added to the top of the capillary tube or towel ; water drains through the unsaturated zone to the water table .
27 Water added to the oceans from melting of land-based ice is the other important contributor to the predicted increase in sea level .
28 No doubt the thought of my departure added to the strain .
29 For salad use , a teaspoon of lemon juice added to the cooking water helps conserve colour .
30 A tablespoon of lemon juice added to the cooking liquid stops the beans discolouring , but I find this sometimes makes them tough and I prefer to add lemon juice at the end with the oil .
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