Example sentences of "[noun sg] tend to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the most general principle is : nominals occurring before the main verb of a sentence tend to be definite while those occurring after the main verb can be either definite or indefinite .
2 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
3 With few notable exceptions , legal department tend to be small to medium in size and it is not uncommon to find that solicitors work along .
4 Inequalities in material life-chances are fundamental ; status differences and differences in political influence tend to be dependent on material life chances .
5 As oedematous patients with bronchitis tend to be hypercapnic , we have studied the relation between alcohol consumption and peripheral oedema in patients with bronchitis .
6 The few instances of " long distance transport tend to be early : at Fishbourne , or Angmering , where siltstone of Mediterranean origin was encountered .
7 This finding has an anatomical correlate : the dendritic fields of cells in the octopus optic lobe tend to be elliptical with their major axis oriented predominantly horizontally or vertically .
8 Ministers as a professional group tend to be averse to data-gathering because they are more people focused than organisation orientated .
9 Normally , increases or reductions in publishing output tend to be undramatic , but in the 1980s the numbers of new titles published annually have gone up very substantially indeed — increases not on the whole matched by additions to library bookfunds .
10 Peppermint , M. x piperita , needs no description as to smell , but the leaves of black peppermint tend to be ovate , 6cm ( 2½in ) long and 4cm ( 1½in ) wide , and are purple tinged — this is grown commercially and is the one used for peppermint tea , so popular in North Africa , Pineapple mint , M. rotundifolia " Variegata " , is a form of the round-leaved mint , which often crosses with M. longifolia .
11 Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence .
12 Leaving income aside , the people with the heaviest credit commitment tend to be young .
13 They are not typical as CIP systems in industrial use tend to be complete add-on units .
14 Words with an early age of acquisition tend to be highly concrete ( imageable ) while words acquired at a later age tend to be abstract .
15 Sample surveys had shown that most people who go to the theatre tend to be middle-class and well-educated , but since so few people altogether actually go to the serious theatre there must be many middle-class , well-educated people who are not theatre-goers .
16 Those who pursue the traditional hunting way of life tend to be lean and fit ( Shephard and Rode , 1973 ) .
17 On most lithologies landforms related directly to weathering tend to be minor features , but on rock types such as limestones , in which a large proportion of the products of chemical weathering processes are removed in solution , major landforms can be produced .
18 Even the few examples we have seen illustrate how species with biparental care tend to be monogamous , species in which only the female looks after the young tend to be polygynous , and species in which only the males care for the young tend to be polyandrous .
19 The more extreme attacks on the heritability of IQ tend to be political , not scientific .
20 The president , according to the constitution has the executive power that executive power depends to a large part on the willingness of congress to provide the legal framework moments in which there is harmony and cooperation between president and congress tend to be exceptional rather than er a regular feature of the American system and if er the president manages to get something through congress , you can bet that very quickly the president will face some defeat in congress shortly thereafter to remind the president that the United States does not have , contrary to the popular press , does not have a presidential system of government .
21 Since most older people who have a drink problem tend to be lonely , retired and out of the mainstream of social life , some form of social group support may be helpful .
22 Apart from quartz and the feldspars , most minerals are dark in colour , so basic rocks with no quartz tend to be dark-coloured , while acid rocks are much lighter and usually have only isolated specks of dark minerals .
23 In the attempt to combine the analysis of physical processes of soil erosion with that of human agricultural and pastoral practices , the expectations of natural and social scientists over the status and domain of proof tend to be irreconcilable ( for further discussion readers are referred to more detailed texts such as Winch 1958 ; Bernal 1969 ; Benton 1977 ; Gregory ( 1978 ) .
24 This may be because the ‘ classic ’ factories of the twentieth century tend to be low-rise , usually single-storey structures , built to very broad plans from cheap and impermanent materials .
25 The dreams that subjects report in the laboratory tend to be mundane , and lack the bizarre quality of dreams reported in the morning .
26 This can be done successfully , but requires a tank large enough to provide open habitat for the other fish ( as well as the rocks for the Mbuna ) and that the Mbuna do not outnumber the others — Mbuna are far more boisterous and a small number of Aulonacaras in a predominantly Mbuna tank tend to be scared all the time , even though rarely actually attacked .
27 In my view , in very simple terms , it 's a fight between Right and Left ; right-wing politics tend to be masculine and punitive by nature , and arguably anti-women ; left-wing politics on the other hand , tend to be more feminine and caring in essence , and pro-people .
28 Errors in speaking a new language tend to be systematic .
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