Example sentences of "[noun sg] to move on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Miltiades ' last operation ( in 489 ) against the island of Paros , in the Cyclades , can be seen as an attempt to move on to the offensive against Persia after the defensive stand at Marathon .
2 There are some who would question his recording of details on site suggesting that in his eagerness to move on to the next find he may neglect to tidy up the details left behind .
3 Directly underneath was the tempter to move on to the special four-page pull-out section with the banner headline SAVAGE IN MY BED .
4 As Hassan 's comment half-implies , it may in some areas be time for criticism to move on from the task of defining postmodernism in relation to its antecedents .
5 The first firm to move on to the revamped Southwich Yard , now part of a 110-acre enterprise park , at Sunderland will be the tunnelling equipment manufacturer Herrenknecht International , the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation said .
6 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
7 It becomes important for the counsellor to move on to the main reasons for the meeting , and to begin the process as openly and honestly as possible .
8 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
9 They must be able to spot strengths and weaknesses and gaps in knowledge , not so as to compare pupils with each other , but in order to move on to the next stage , in the most effective way .
10 In order to move on to the second phase , further satisfactory and lasting progress towards real and monetary convergence will have to be achieved , especially as regards price stability and the restoration of sound public finances .
11 Silence activity — gathering of the group : a bridge between preparing and receiving , between individual and community ; a personal invitation to move on to the sacred experience .
12 It was time to move on to the offensive : ‘ What I 'd like to know is how you managed to see Newley in Primrose Hill at six o'clock . ’
13 Now , time to move on to the Doctor 's phone in with Kathleen Long .
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