Example sentences of "[noun sg] usually [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Standard textbooks of anthropology usually adopt some version of the formula : " Marriage is a union between a man and a woman such that the children of a woman are the recognized legitimate offspring of both partners " .
2 Casework usually involves added complexity and the opinion is gaining credence in some circles that it is almost impossible to gain sufficient experience to become proficient unless one spends two whole days a week in a bureau .
3 In power , the second part of the programme usually needed radical revision .
4 Conifers other than yew usually resent harsh treatment , however , and are difficult to rejuvenate , Deciduous species are best pruned hard back in late winter , evergreens in late spring — cutting one side a year back to a foot within the intended final width to allow room for regrowth .
5 Although such an incestuous fixation usually means genital inhibition for the individual in adult life , resulting either in perversion or neurosis or both and invariably in some unhappiness , incest in itself does not threaten the foundations of culture so much as the consequent erotic and aggressive antagonism to which it gives rise .
6 The board usually has little credibility ; there is little reliable financial information , no management , assets or money .
7 The head porter or housekeeper usually distributes any mail that arrives for residential staff .
8 He went to the hall table , where the postman usually deposited any mail , in the hope that there might be a letter for him , though most of his mail came via Isobel .
9 In flight Spotted Eagle usually holds leading edge of wing straight , but Lesser Spotted flies with wings held slightly forward and so looking more crooked ; both species slightly droop wing-tips when gliding .
10 Even a claim which is litigated and defended successfully in court usually involves unimaginable loss of time , aggravation and payment of high legal costs ( which are rarely recovered in full from the unsuccessful claimant ) .
11 But , mainly , the first method usually involves more work than the second .
12 If there is a tendency for grains to become charged and leap about disconcertingly in the beam , a dried aqueous grain suspension usually has sufficient adhesion .
13 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage is the commonest clinical presentation , while the presence of ascites and encephalopathy usually indicate associated liver dysfunction .
14 In patients at risk of infectious endocarditis , ampicillin usually provides satisfactory prophylaxis .
15 And it is an offence for a man to commit gross indecency with another man : this offence usually concerns mutual masturbation or oral sex between two males ( there is no equivalent offence between females ) .
16 A group which perpetuates itself by endogamous sexual reproduction usually has some perception of ethnic identity .
17 Body washed and shrouded only by Rabbi ’ — is misleading in that the Jewish Burial Society usually perform this task .
18 Sometimes , in the long reaches of the night , the philosophical difference between what was right and what was just bothered him , but a cup of tea and a good night 's sleep usually solved that problem
19 Participation usually requires transnational collaboration .
20 The venture capitalist usually has relevant experience , and , with the support of management , will take on this task .
21 A choreographer 's wish to exploit a particularly gifted dancer usually leads that dancer to develop more fully and to have more to give when cast in ballets by more objective choreographers .
22 Investment projects involve combinations of risk and yield , those with more risk usually providing more yield .
23 I also find that this precaution usually provides enough yarn to get me to the end of the row .
24 The darkness of the water will give a clue as to the winds strength , and an ominous grey cloud usually signals oncoming wind .
25 The scheme usually provides that consideration cheques remaining uncashed after a reasonable period ( often six months ) will be cancelled and the money transferred to an independent trustee in a separate interest-bearing bank account .
26 Nonetheless , parliamentary support was not difficult to obtain ; the king and his ministers had sufficient patronage and position usually to ensure such support .
27 Neuroses , in contrast , are often extreme forms of normal behavioural or emotional patterns , such as depression or anxiety , and the patient usually retains some insight into their condition .
28 In hospital , however , the patient usually forfeits this responsibility and becomes dependent on nursing , medical and pharmaceutical staff .
29 This prepares the uterus for pregnancy if fertilisation has occurred ; it also , by negative feed-back , inhibits the secretion of FSH-RH , and thus the cycle is delicately balanced , with ovulation usually occurring late oestrus .
30 In most higher Lepidoptera , a pseudofrenulum occurs only in some lower families ( Braun , 1919 ) , the jugum is almost invariably lost and the frenulum usually assumes great importance ( Braun , 1924 ) .
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