Example sentences of "[noun sg] became a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is enough to say that , especially after 1529 , Parliament became a more dynamic and a still less dispensable part of English government than it had been before .
2 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
3 Slowly , as geography became a more refined and philosophical diversion , so this way of subdividing the sea evolved into the simpler concept of just Five Oceans : the northerly and southerly subdivisions of the Atlantic and Pacific dropped , we were left with the uncomplicated vastnesses of the Oceans Arctic , Antarctic , Atlantic , Pacific and Indian .
4 In the UK , what initially began as a restructuring of the London Stock Exchange became a much wider cause , embracing every sector of the financial community .
5 South Asian calicoes in both silk and , later on , cotton became an increasingly desirable commodity in Britain , first as a luxury item but subsequen-tly as a widely used material .
6 The tendency of sergeants to follow the field-worker around and to ask what she had learnt also soon dissipated as the routine demands of their job became a more pressing priority .
7 So an experimental measurement of the shift became a very important priority .
8 The war became a most unpopular one domestically as the toll of dead and injured steadily mounted .
9 With the introduction of steam power from the later eighteenth century , the necessity for a streamside location disappeared and , particularly in regard to cotton spinning , a climate of high humidity became a more important requirement .
10 And then my father became a very keen gardener and asking Thomas , How do you do th this and how do you do that ?
11 This occurred for a number of reasons : laparoscopy became a widely used diagnostic tool , with diagnosis no longer being restricted to patients with disease severe enough to warrant laparotomy , and gynaecologists became aware of the myriad visual appearances of endometriosis which represent evolution of the disease through visually distinct stages to the relatively inactive classic blue-black lesions .
12 Evangelicalism became an especially potent force in the attack on traditional pastimes .
13 That society became a more egalitarian , caring and humane society , and the present generation would do well to reflect on this .
14 Mental illness became a very profitable business indeed .
15 Under her direction , the squad became a very close-knit affair comprising as it did four cousins , six nephews and a younger brother ( 42 ) .
16 Matthew 's expression became a little colder .
17 Thus time became a more personal concept , relative to the observer who measured it .
18 Rex 's doubtful face became a very sour face .
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