Example sentences of "[noun sg] gave we the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their reply gave us the number of the aircraft which Thomas was flying , Beaufort I L4508 , and the names of the other members of his crew .
2 Marx was wrong , it is now claimed , when he asserted that the steam engine gave us the capitalist .
3 The '70s energy crisis gave us the world 's first solar-powered loudspeaker .
4 This unusual relationship gave us the joy of knowing her very well .
5 ‘ The experience we gained through High Island gave us the confidence to know we could successfully work with Tatham , ’ Broussard says .
6 Antique furniture , yes , erm , because I 'd bought that during the war in various antique places , you know , and erm , what did we buy , no I think my father gave us the bedroom furniture was , which was at the
7 THE biggest Christmas casualty is the person whose birth gave us the excuse for rejoicing .
8 We were chatting away when nurse gave us the news that George VI had died , everything went quiet , we forgot our worries and thought of Elizabeth .
9 The next find gave us the chance to see at close quarters an auk , a fine winter-plumaged guillemot .
10 Julie 's big brother gave us the money .
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