Example sentences of "[noun sg] seemed [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She took no notice , and I began to hate her , not because I was having to apologize — she looked so old and sad that I was genuinely sorry — but because she would n't listen and it was such a-terrible physical struggle for me to talk ; my mouth seemed to be full of some sickly , sticky stuff , like chewing-gum .
2 Er who ran bus services from Gala to Selkirk and Melrose and er we sold out to them because we , the other side of the business where the private car side seemed to be growing .
3 The heavy-lidded eyes were still half-open , the lips slightly parted ; in the flickering torchlight the figure seemed to be asleep .
4 Suddenly , the figure seemed to be aware of Jack 's presence and turned towards him , as if to ask what he wanted .
5 It was amazing how his underwear and the case seemed to be involved in a kind of dance , in which the arrival home of his shirts might depend on who was found guilty of what .
6 All the men in the University seemed to be married or gay or scientists , and Robyn had no time or energy to look further afield .
7 There was no bubbling of water from inside , and the culvert seemed to be disused and silted up with debris .
8 For the first time in a decade the Thatcherite crusade seemed to be faltering , though how permanently it was too early to judge .
9 The kitchen seemed to be empty .
10 Discontent seemed to be general .
11 The engine seemed to be complete except for the obvious loss of the reduction gear and its housing .
12 Other guidelines were rather less stringently imposed so that , for example , team members would sometimes " turn a blind eye " on detail in spending plans if the general thrust of the proposal seemed to be appropriate for the school concerned .
13 Between 780 and 782 Saxony seemed to be well under control ; even when Charles left the country , no immediate rebellion occurred , and enforced missionary work seemed to be successful .
14 For a short while the devolution issue seemed to be dead .
15 At time of NME going to press , the situation in the charts was still ongoing , but the MAS campaign seemed to be close to striking its first blow with the new HOLLY JOHNSON single hovering around the Top 100 .
16 It was very hot and the coolest clothing seemed to be native , but the transport was somewhat primitive .
17 The voice on the telephone seemed to be sharp and peremptory , but I did n't hear too well what it said — partly because I was only half awake and partly because I was holding the receiver upside down .
18 Everything about her and about her marriage seemed to be perfect , apart from one disquieting fact : she hated going into churches and she absolutely refused to be present at the consecration of the Host .
19 The guard seemed to be asleep .
20 She said her husband seemed to be unbalanced and capable of doing nasty things to their children .
21 The sort of things I was doing seemed to be difficult for difficult 's sake ; it was like , ‘ If anybody likes it , then it has to be crap ! ’
22 In spite of all the centuries which he had to learn about it the traditional ship-wright seemed to be unable to understand about shear .
23 The whole place seemed to be throbbing with the music they made .
24 He had now been her lover for nearly three years : the physical side of their relationship seemed to be perfect .
25 Suddenly the newspaper seemed to be full of the latest ‘ hopes ’ or expected advances .
26 The hon. Gentleman seemed to be unaware of the great progress being made in building an independent and renewable sector in electricity .
27 With the one exception , all of the doorways in the alley seemed to be back entrances and delivery doors for daytime businesses .
28 The court seemed to be afraid that if it allowed the jury to take account of one characteristic , such as sexual impotence , then it would be illogical to direct them not to take account of another characteristic , such as irascibility or bad temper .
29 His words to the tree seemed to be respectful and thoughtful , and he addressed whatever he saw as Sister .
30 I checked and the day seemed to be free , ’ she quavered .
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