Example sentences of "[noun sg] all over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Think , instead , of a large population in which there is not much movement , so that individuals tend to resemble their immediate neighbours more than their more distant neighbours , even though there is continuous interbreeding all over the whole area .
2 When he stood there was blood all over the white shirt his mother had dressed him in that morning .
3 Pure silk , as so many of Faye 's clothes were , and shimmeringly black with rich , patterned beading all over the bustier-style bodice and tiny bolero jacket .
4 Paul took this message about life and the mystery of humanity all over the Mediterranean world .
5 And they got elections now so the politician' all over the damn place .
6 Celebratory events were taking place all over the Soviet Union ; but none was more extraordinary , in its modest way , than Charsky 's promised to be .
7 There may be the most intense pruritus all over the external genitalia and blood may be drawn as a result of the vigorous scratching this induces .
8 Went to the Royal Academy when I was doing my 'O' Levels , it was a Jackson follow up it was about , ambulance was about twelve foot by twelve foot , it was literally splodges of paint all over the fucking place , it was horrible , you can actually buy them at the Royal Academy , you ca n't buy them at , but he was asking a hundred thousand pounds for it , I could n't believe it , a trained monkey could of fucking painted that
9 The houses were shaded clear against the ground : on the hills he could see the white lines of the new walls they were building like netting all over the high ground ; from the direction of the lake he heard an occasional voice , as sharp as the crack of a pistol .
10 What looked like ancient coach-lamps were springing to life all over the high stone walls , like a son et lumière display in some centuries-old castle .
11 He 's only thirty-four , and he 's done the same thing all over the Far East , taking over struggling and usually amateur or pirate radio stations like this one once was , and putting in people like me who pull commercial sponsorship because we draw listeners .
12 And now we have fanatical variations of the Muslim faith breathin' hate and venom all over the Near East . ’
13 The whole thing could catch fire all over the front pages Crocus List and all .
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