Example sentences of "[noun sg] all [prep] [art] world " in BNC.

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1 What a growing part of agriculture all over the world had in common was subjection to the industrial world economy .
2 It has also become evident from recent literature that there was nothing like a " simultaneous " extinction of many different groups , either within the brachiopods alone or within the organic world in general , at the end of the Permian ; I am told that plant spores , at least , still show an uncannily rapid change at this level all round the world , though the big change in plant macrofossils seems to have come much later .
3 And in this sense , when we liberate South Africa we will also create , we hope a state in the world which will become foremost in fighting racism all over the world and at the lower level our community based organizations our non-governmental organizations that have across colour built up structures to move communities forward if our friends in Eastern Europe and elsewhere could see how that is done at grass roots level in the hell of racism as I say they would have a lot to learn .
4 Simon Barrington-Ward , Bishop of Coventry , wrote recently ‘ We certainly have an experience all over the world of church leaders in loneliness needing to submit themselves to others and this is a crying need that is just not being met ’ .
5 Dr P was asked what effect the growth of English literature all over the world , and the advent of modern literary criticism , had had on English teaching in universities :
6 He became tremendously emotional and … compelling in his language … about the need to save Latin America , to save freedom , that these people were sacrificing for America and for freedom all over the world . ’
7 She saw action all over the world , including taking part in the D-Day landings .
8 ‘ PopCon has been doing research all over the world to establish that the majority of prospective parents would prefer a son to a daughter , and many would be prepared to undergo minor medical procedures to ensure that they got their wish , including the abortion of a female fetus , ’ Dorothy told a hushed audience in a room at a secret address in North London .
9 They were characteristics which earned her respect and friendship all round the world as , among other things , she twice reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open , twice the quarter-finals of Wimbledon and the semi-finals of the doubles at Wimbledon with her great friend and fellow Scot , Joyce Hume .
10 a crazy shipping system which sends Ghanaian bauxite to Scotland , Guinean alumina to the US , Jamaican alumina to Ghana and Ghanaian aluminium all round the world .
11 You keep meeting the same people in a sector of industry all over the world . ’
12 Dr Runcie said that the great point of the meeting would be in its ripple effect and symbolic effect all round the world .
13 Outside Formula One , you have a huge sport all over the world , particularly outside Europe , really just beginning in many countries .
14 The CARAT ( Cargo Agents Reservation and Air Waybill issuance and Tracking system ) is now on-line to nearly 100 of British Airways ' freight forwarding customers , enabling them to book shipments and track their cargo all over the world without needing to pick a telephone .
15 As I learned more of missionary work all over the world , I began to realise that there had to be a tremendous effort to help undernourished people to grow their own food for themselves , a task which is still tragically unfinished , and will remain so until the nations of the world , rich and poor , combine together to sacrifice a meagre percentage of their gross national product , which experts calculate to be necessary to abolish hunger in a generation .
16 Prior to coming to Save The Children through the media , I was more aware of your work , the emergency work all over the world .
17 This work started originally in , in erm Nottingham University and in Aberdeen University and erm now we 're rather lucky in that I think we have erm one company , Oxford Instruments , that supply almost all the big magnets that are used in this work all over the world .
18 This is because the UK would have to contribute £39 000 a year to a fund to help protect natural and cultural sites of international importance all over the world .
19 They 've achieved fame all over the world and have become synonymous with Oxford .
20 The aim of World in Harmony is to help people in need all over the world , often by channelling huge agricultural surpluses , to those in need .
21 The worship of , or professed belief in , a god of some kind is to be found in varying degrees of sincerity all over the world .
22 Dublin-born master flautist Brian Dunning and ex-Stockton 's Wing bodhran virtuoso Tommy Hayes were soon joined in Portland , Oregon , by Bothy Band founder Micheál O Dhomhnaill , and immediately the stage was set for a musical collaboration which has taken the band all over the world .
23 ‘ But I think that people were in contact all over the world , and that that there are hints of contact with Easter Island and with the Indus Valley , ’ Mr Savoy continued , warming to his controversial theme in a way which unsettles his academic admirers .
24 It is the day when Rainbows , Brownies , Guides and Rangers think of each other all over the world .
25 Being in the same business , it 's inevitable that we bump into each other all over the world .
26 Our task today is to increase the international pressure on behalf of the thousands of prisoners of conscience all over the world , to make tomorrow the day their freedom is restored .
27 The event was held in the school library and messages of hope were written to prisoners of conscience all over the world .
28 Anyway , to come back to Oxford : While editing this issue of the magazine , I was confronted every day with the contrast between the university and education all over the world .
29 Paying the piper as we call the tune is the idea behind metering , which is already in use all over the world .
30 A few years later , Ralph Berger discovered the loss of neck muscle tone which accompanied REM sleep.9 These two findings , linking EEC patterns with eye movement and neck and throat muscle activity , have formed the basis of the recording and scoring methods for sleep in humans now in use all over the world .
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