Example sentences of "[noun sg] to go back [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There will be a growing need for experienced businesspeople to go back to school .
2 ‘ You were only doing it for yourself , using it as an excuse to go back in time and relive old memories . ’
3 The machine was n't fit for this purpose so he had to good case to go back to Dixons and ask either for a replacement or his money back .
4 As she was treated in hospital , the terrified teenager had confessed : ‘ I do n't know if I will have the nerve to go back to work .
5 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
6 He wants Garry to go back to Berenice , and it 's important he does go , at once . ’
7 There is no need to go back to square one ; just a few steps backward is all that is needed .
8 They were delighted and arranged a reception for him in a studio formerly occupied by Chagall , who had left France before the war to go back to Russia to get married .
9 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
10 Bluster about morning hate and advice to go back to Adolph got a maddeningly cool reply .
11 Mr Beckenham , partaking of his friend Woolacombe 's hospitality in that gentleman 's absence in Brighton , sat over his dinner fighting the urge to go back to Theda and press his suit once more .
12 A welder , for instance , may not recover sufficient balance or hand control to go back to welding , but he may be able to work light machinery .
13 It was time for the Other Woman to go back to America .
14 Kenneth Baker has been identified with the call to go back to grammar .
15 Alexander assumed the throne of Montenegro in 1918 when the French government , in league with the Serbian , refused to allow the old man to go back to Montenegro after his wartime exile in France .
16 and time for this reporter to go back to school .
17 Another advantage was being near enough to the basecamp to go back for lunch ; not only did it mean we could have a hot drink but it avoided the clammy sensation , which Carole graphically described , of sitting down for lunch when you 're soaked on the outside and soaked on the inside .
18 Encourage the patient to go back to work , at least part-time , if this is possible .
19 The jeep was bouncing them about mercilessly as the Brigadier tried to get back to the village in time for the Captain and the Substitute to go back to Florence and eat .
20 It had been , however briefly , a time when her body and her mind had fitted together so tidily and wholely that , waking up one morning and deciding that it was time to go back to Oxford and visit her mother , was neither traumatic nor casual , but straightforward .
21 It 's time to go back to work . ’
22 It 's time to go back to England and break the news to Luce and Maureen .
23 When it was time to go back to London , Auntie Rose — my ‘ mother ’ for four-and-a-half years — had saved up all my threepenny bits .
24 It 's time to go back to basics
25 They completed a circular walk through the woods , tramping through leaves and bracken and ending up back at the minibus where Sybil announced it was time to go back to Conway House for lunch .
26 Then I took a year off , and she kept going on and on at me that it 's time to go back to college , so I did in the end .
27 I mean my dear , I said to Paul , Paul yesterday was was babbling on about if Karen would take him back and I said Paul I shall be extremely displeased if you ever leave this house to go back to Karen , you know o after only being with me for something like three or four weeks , I said you 'll never come back again I said I 'm not going to be messed about like that !
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