Example sentences of "[noun sg] before i went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She gave me an extra pillow , kept me supplied with boiling bottles , brought me Vichy , and my meals on a little round table , actually produced a bottle of alcool camphre & frictioned me & gave me some lime flower tea before I went to sleep .
2 I was an electrician before I went into acting — I did all the wiring in my house .
3 Anyway erm tt I went down the day before I went into hospital actually for my op , and er
4 Well aware of the undertaking he added ‘ The day before I went for a load of beers to prepare for the ordeal . ’
5 ‘ Do you realize it 's two years , six months and six days since I saw you on to a train — possibly this very one — the day before I went to America ?
6 Well it , it was n't funny that day before I went to the that ear
7 One night before I went to bed I asked her .
8 That night , the night before I went to David Rosen 's office to hear Francis 's will , I was woken by a dream .
9 I took some yesterday , I was and I took some last night before I went to bed and I took two this morning .
10 I was eating cakes in the morning before I went to school and for about two years I was dieting , trying one diet or another .
11 Fortunately an assistant stopped mew before I went through the roof .
12 In bed before I went to sleep I fantasized about London and what I 'd do there when the city belonged to me .
13 I was an only child , so I daresay I got among her feet a lot before I went to school .
14 Er er well , I would read for an hour before I went to sleep .
15 I mainly used to chase it in me mate 's house , but sometimes when I got home , I 'd have a toot before I went to bed .
16 I used to have a bike before I went to school .
17 I set out the Government 's objectives in a speech in this House before I went to Maastricht .
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